Asked To Return A Router I BOUGHT?
Enthusiast - Level 1

So in 2012 when I first became a FIOS subscriber, I opted to purchase the FIOS router from Verizon rather than rent it monthly.  And for the next 6 years my bill reflected that I was not renting a router.

I recently had some billing issues regarding the 2018 rental of a different router (the only router I ever actually rented), which I believe is resolved now, but I just got an email asking me to return the router that I purchased in 2012.

I do not understand why I am being asked to return a router that I _bought_.  Anyone else have experience with this, with being asked to return a router that you were not renting?


1 Reply

Google the issue and you will find its common.

contact the regulating authority in your state. Either Public Service Commission or Public Utilities Commission via google search. Let them take it up with Verizon.