Automatically placed in a 2 yr contract!

Been with Verizon 5 years I did not want another 2 yr contract and I had the discussion with the rep and informed her of this. Now 6 months later when I knew I would cancel the services  and or downgrade my service, canceling phone & cable, they are telling me I'm in a 2 yr contract. If I change services I would be place in another contract for 2 YEARS!!!  I informed the rep that's impossible, that I agreed to a 2 yr contract. I ask to listen to the recorded phone conversation when i  signed up for month to month service. Then they sent me a email if my contract at the bottom it stated a fee to cancel the 2 yr contract which i was not aware of being a a 2 yr contract. I was continuously told there was nothing they could do about it. Rediculousness!!! I am definitely going to cancel Verizon. I'm also going to cancel my cell service with them as well. The rep told me oh you all were new customers. Scam they get you in them give you less & less services for more $$$$!!! Never mind the financial strain they place on their existing customer and string hold them into these 2 yr contract. They Make it difficult for you to cut the cable cord for their own financial benefit. Shame on you Verizon. Your day will come!!! Very very very very dissatisfied customer locked into a 2 yr contract. Why don't you let me listen to that call when I spoke with the representative & informed the rep of what I wanted and did not want? I know calls are recorded for training & quality purposes! This is a quality situation! I hope other Verizon customers read this and see the scam Verizon is selling unknowingly to there longtime customer. All for their profit. 😞 

1 Reply
Legend file a complaint. file an online complaint.

additionally contact your states Public Utilities Commission or Public Service Commission and tell them what transpired.

Additionally contact your states Attorney Generals Office via google search about the contract/non contract issue they would love to take it on for you.

people should always read everything sent to them via email, postal mail or faxed.

often times this contract nonsense is sent as ads or other tricky media.

good luck
