Bait & Switch - Want to discontinue new agreement within 14 days

We have been long term FIOS triple pay customers. All discounts have been off our account for a long time.

Call Verizon on 10/03 to ask about how to reduce monthy charges. We were told they would provide discounts plus add movie package that had more content in exchange for a new 2 year agreement. New bill is estimated to be $30 less. We received written confirmation in the mail.

The movie package is Extreme HD for $49.99 a month with a 50% discount per the written confirmation.

Logged into our account and it indicates the 50% discount is only for 6 months????? The rep on the phone did not tell us that nor does the written confirmation tell us that.

Called Verizon and told them that we are cancelling the new agreement within the 14 days and want to revert back to our plan prior to our phone call on 10/03.

We feel this is a bait & switch on the part of Verizon. We did not ask for a different movie package and would not have agreed to a package discount that only lasts 6 months. At the end of the 6 months we would be back to where we started before our phone call.

Verizon rep today said they would reach out to us. So far there has been no additional contact. I have little faith that Verizon will resolve this.

In our opinion the rep gave up incomplete information regarding discounts.

Has anyone had this experience? 


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