Be aware watch your bill and dont be bank on them keeping promise

 Had Gigabit when it 1st came out then didn't need it so they reduced the price no problem. About a year later got a call if I wanted to bundle everything. I really didn't want to due me taking care of my mom and she doesn't like change and couldn't use the different remote and change of channel numbers.  I had everything switched back only to notice that now my Gigbit price jomped $30.00. I called and they said they would make it right though with autopay I didn't notice I was still be billed full price so I called last month and they credited me for the month that just pasted and then billed me correctly correctly for June only to my new surprise in July back to full price. Now the lady asked me to hold a minute no joke I fell asleep it was so long. She is saying she can only see back one year and this after the rep with brains found where they were billing me correctly.  No matter what I did or said she refused or couldn't understand. I explained I can now bundle Spectrum if you are going to charge me full price and she was fine with that. Well off to Spectrum for bundling everything especially now they have gigabit in my area as well, 

Thanks to the rep who will now save me money

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