Billing dispute - Verizon customer service not following through as promised


I spoke with a Verizon customer service agent on the phone on Oct 22 for almost an hour trying to resolve a billing issue on my account. Verizon overcharged my account from the time that I scheduled the switch to Fios until the Fios installation took place (a 3-month time period) by increasing my bill having informed me that "everything would stay the same".  In addition - it appears that a subsequent payment has not been credited to my account and Verizon cannot give me confirmation that it has. The agent said she needed more time to review the situation and would call me back. I have never had contact again from Verizon. She put an indication on my account that I would make a payment on Nov 5. I thought this indicated that she would be in touch with me to resolve this situation before then. When I had no contact from Verizon by that date, I made the payment. Now I'm being threatened again with service suspension if I don't pay the balance immediately. More late charges are being added to my bill. Yet, Verizon says I'm "phenomenal" and has increased the speeds on my Fios service without charge. I asked the customer service agent for a phone number where I could reach her ... but she would not provide one. She gave me her name, only her last name, which is one of the most common names in America. The call I made on Oct 22 was at least the 4th time that I have tried to resolve this dispute.  I will make a payment today to pay the current charges on my account only. I'm looking into reporting Verizon for this poor level of customer service. If anyone has a suggestion on how I can get Verizon's attention to get this issue resolved, I welcome it. 

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Moderator Emeritus
Hi J-D,

Your issue has been escalated to a Verizon agent. Please check your Private Message Inbox for a message from Verizon_Support. You can find your Inbox by clicking on your username at the top right corner of this page. Please direct all correspondence concerning your issue to the agents, who will be assisting you privately.