Billing should already been changed off on closed account sent to collections agency after 1.5 years

On May 2017, I realized that my credit score drops a lot. so I checked my credit report and found that it's cause by debt collection from Verizon.


I called Verizon to figure out what happened but I was not able to talk to any customer service representatives since my account has been forwarded to CBE group. I talked with CBE group, I was told that It was bill for unreturned equipment. So I sent CBE confirmation emails I got when equipment was returned as evidence. Later they sent me actual bills that Verizon is collecting, it turned out be be 2 months bills before the account is closed.

Back to Sep 2015, my roommates and I took a lot of effort to get this bill resolved. The account was closed and we were told that Verizon will change off the remaining balance in the account and we didn't need to care about it.

(Some more explanation about the bill should already been charged off: I handed my account to my former roommate since I moved out my apartment earlier. my former roommate continue use Verizon after apartment lease end. She started a new account under her name, but somehow didn't close the old one. The old account (my account) was not used and kept getting bills for 2 months. When I realized it, we talked with Verizon, we we told that Verizon would change off the bill and close the account. So I thought the issue is fully resolved.)


But now it pops out after 1.5 years. I’m really desperate since I don’t know what to do. I’m less concern about the bill but more about my credit history. Verizon reported it to Credit Bureaus but I cannot talk to Verizon at all (I don’t know this issue at all until I checked my credit report recently)



What should I do next?

2 Replies

I just posted a very similar post today.  I am in the exact same situation.  I showed proof of my final payments to Verizon - including equipment returns and they still sent something to collections.  Now my score just dropped.  Someone needs to do something about this practice.

Contributor - Level 1

Hi Yuandong,

Your issue has been escalated to a Verizon agent. Before the agent can begin assisting you, they will need to collect further information from you. Please go to your profile page for the forum and scroll down the page to an area titled "My Support Cases". You can reach your profile page by clicking on your name located above your post, or at the top right of this page.

Under "My Support Cases" you will find a link to the private board where you and the agent may exchange information. The title of your post is the link. This should be checked on a frequent basis, as the agent may be waiting for information from you before they can proceed with any actions. To ensure you know when they have responded to you, you may subscribe to the case. At the top right of your support case there is a gear icon which provides a drop down menu with support case options. Click that and choose "subscribe". Please keep all correspondence regarding your issue in the private support portal.
