Can anyone tell me where to find how long my contract is for?

Can anyone tell me where to find how long my contract is for?  If I go to myplan, it says price for months 1 -24 and then another tab for longer and much more.  Says I have 50 days till price goes up.  So If I cancel my service at 50 days, I can't be hit with a penalty?

1 Reply

Knowing how long your contract is should be simple. You take your invoice start date and add 24 months and that is your end.

if it states 50 days left before an increase that could be contract upping date.

the best way is to look at your saved invoices on line as to how long you have service.

if 50 days before year two starts then price increase.

you could call 1-800-VERIZON and ask customer service. But be careful. They try to place you in a contract or change services. Just google on it. But they should be able to tell you. Keep saying I don’t want any contract renewals, I don’t want any changes to services and stick to it.