Can't Return Equipment I Never received

November 2022 I had a Digital Adapter Box go bad.  I contacted Verizon and was sent a UPS shipping lable so I mailed the bad adapter back .  UPS tracking showd it was received at CUSTOMER RETURNS in Alburtis PA.

Verizon sent me an e-mail saying that a replacement adapter was being sent to me.  I then go an e-mail saying that the adapter was delivered.  I never received the adapter and proved there was no deliveries using my video survalance recordings.

Despite 3 calls to customer service and EIGHT chat sessions, I was still being billed $10 a month for the adapter.  I did manage to get  a $10, $20 and $10 dollar credit during three of the 8 chat sessions, but still overcharged $120.00 to date.

My last bill still had the $10.00 change so I canceled the TV service and now have just internet.  I turned in the 2 DVR boxes to the local Verizon store and tried to explain the missing Digital Adapter to the guy, but he said I had to contact Customer service.

So with all of that I'm looking for a way to get this digital adapter off my account because I know the next step will be that Verizon will try to charge me for unreturned equipment and I think that is a $90 change for a digital adapter.  Verizon has to be able to tell that I never connected or activated the adapter.  

I'm looking for a good solution becasue 15 months of promises is very frustrating.

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