Cancel phone service

My payment date is the 22nd of each month and my billing period ends the last day of the month. After years of being a loyal customer I've decided to change carriers for a more affordable plan with the same coverage and service. When should I cancel to maximize the service? I plan to port my number to my new carrier.

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1 Reply
Customer Service Rep
@cynd1231  wrote: My payment date is the 22nd of each month and my billing period ends the last day of the month. After years of being a loyal customer I've decided to change carriers for a more affordable plan with the same coverage and service. When should I cancel to maximize the service? I plan to port my number to my new carrier.

It's a disapointment to hear you want to change services. If there's something specific going on, that we can discuss to turn things around we'd be more than happy too. While I understand being concerned with cost, but I do know not all carriers are equal. If there's something we can help with before you make any final decisions please let us know.  
