
I have been reading issues that customers have been having and I am beginning to realize the issues are not few and far between!  I have been a Verizon customer for 20 years and  called back in October with concerns that as a long time customer, my bill increases while they offer new customers discounts and promotions and other carriers are cheaper.  Well in Verizon customer service fashion they try to retain your business and offered credits for long term customer so I reupped to never see the credits promised. Called yesterday after numerous calls and continued apologies and promises I would see my credits on a certain date and they were able to review the notes, all of a sudden they can’t find the notes and I actually had a representative tell me I needed to be patient! Asked to speak to a manger who suddenly could not find the historical notes but decreased my bill by removing services.  This will absolutely be my last dance with Verizon when this contract is over!

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