DSL- Susupended while in PUC control

Just a note to anyone who my file a PUC complaint against Verizon. Be prepared to be red flagged and shut down continually by Verizon every month. My DSL was suspended on Saturday, 12/08/18. I  made my payment at noon the same day and my DSL was supposed to be back on within an hour, but it wasn't. Tried calling Verizon and, to no avail, would my calls get through to any human, since it was the weekend. When file a complaint with the PUC, the account goes in a mode where you have to talk to a human for assistance to have it restored after a payment has been made, and good luck with that. Unfortunately, Verizon doesn't make enough money off of us, I'm supposing this to be the case, to pay people in America to work their billing department for billing and payment issues. After over 17 years being with Verizon, I will be leaving all their offered services after this. Unexcusable, Verizon!!!

2 Replies

Filing with the public utilities commission has no bearing on service disruptions.

you are speaking of payments. If the payment is on time there is no disruption. Verizon will not take adverse actions on your going and enforcing your rights.

the regulatory agency has the right to fine Verizon far more than what you pay in service charges. 

Billing office is normally available 8 am till 5 pm EDT Monday through Friday. I would try contacting Verizon then.


@jonjones wrote:

Filing with the public utilities commission has no bearing on service disruptions.

you are speaking of payments. If the payment is on time there is no disruption. Verizon will not take adverse actions on your going and enforcing your rights.

the regulatory agency has the right to fine Verizon far more than what you pay in service charges. 

Billing office is normally available 8 am till 5 pm EDT Monday through Friday. I would try contacting Verizon then.

I beg to differ, as I paid my balance due on Saturday, 12/8/18 at 2 pm and my internet still didn't come back on until I could reach someone in the United States to talk to and have it restored, because the account is still in the PUC's control, as I was specifically told that, in other calls to very nice Indian service representatives, from prior suspensions. Also, I'm only suppose to have to pay the portion of my bill that's in dispute while in PUC filing is still open and nobody from Verizon has ever told me what part of the bill that is, even though it concerns the bill, as a whole. It's pretty disapointing that, as big a corporation that Verizon is, they can't have American citizens work on the weekends for resolving problems of this sort, and preach to how grateful that Verizon is to have you as a faithful customer for the past 11 years and another 10 years prior to that which doesn't even show up on my record, but they can't help me. After the case is closed with the PUC, I will then file a complaint to with the FCC and the Pennsylvania State Attorney's General office. I have nothing better to do with my time, anyway, I guess.

Thank you and have a wonderful Holiday Season!!