DVR for life credit REMOVED!!!
Enthusiast - Level 1

So I've been a verizon fios customer for over 6 years and have renewed everytime online from account. It happens that this time around (Jan. 19, 2018) Verzion has decided to no longer honor this DVR credit and claim that somehow I upgraded because they only offered a bump in internet speed from 25Mbps to 50Mbps and  a premium chanel that I couldn't care for.  Seems, after doing a little research that I'm not alone in being screwed for this $19.99 credit.  Don't waste your time speaking with anyone since they will claim that this promotion is no longer offered and just **bleep** you off even more. My suggestion to all who have been cheated of their DVR credit "for life" is to file a complaint with The Federal Trade Commission (FTC). Now I have to endure 2 years of this company or pay a nice termination fee of $335. 

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This issue has been escalated to a Verizon agent.
