Disconnection due to past-due bill

Hello, I am adult failure and I  received my disconnection notice on 09/27 and I am now finally able to get back into the positive. I was only able to make a partial payment on my due balance so while I wait for my next check I wanted to get information on what I need to do next to get service again.

Am I basically no longer a Verizon customer and once my past dues are paid, open a new line?
Will I be able to re-connect my old account once my past due are paid?

Thank you.

1 Reply
Customer Service Rep

I know I've fallen on some hard times where I had to choose what bills to pay before myself, norrisar. I'm happy to hear that you're back in a position to get things back on track! The best option would be to work with our financial services team to get reconnected. You can contact them by phone at 866-266-1445 Monday through Saturday from 8am - 10pm ET.


They will be able to assist with any questions about restoring service once your balance due has been resolved.
