Discontinued Fios, still getting billed. Verizon contact page is broken

I canceled my Fios service, I have a receipt that the service was cancelled and they recieved my cable box and modem, but I'm still being billed. The contact page on the website says "We're sorry.... We are not able to process your request." How convenient. I'm out of the country and can't call their support phone number without paying a fortune. Is there any way to contact this enormous internet company using... the internet?

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Go to Verizon.com

Click Support 

Go to the chst Option

M-F 8a-8pm

And Saturdays 8a-5pm

Closed Sun

Enters your name, and phone number. 
Choose  Billing. Tell billing your issue and ask them to submit a ticket to the offline team for research. Someone should get back to you within three business days.