ETF waiver issue

VERIZON- this is posted multiple times on the forums so clearly you guys are trying to stiff anyone thats suppose to have this ETF waived. I have been trying for days to upload it and I get the same " fake path" that others get. I called Friday and someone was scheduled to call me today at 930 am EST. no call. I was also given a number I could call and its simply a number with ad's ( home insurance, pest control etc ) and I never get an agent. Now I have been on hold both chat on line and on the phone. This is not only unacceptable but illegal to to make it impossible for a customer to upload documents  ( which is per verizon instructions) to get the ETF waived. you need to resolve this

1 Reply
Moderator Emeritus

Hi zig2020,

Your issue has been escalated to a Verizon agent. Please check your Private Messenger Inbox for a message from a Verizon Support agent. You can find your Inbox by clicking on your username at the top right corner of this page and then clicking the envelope icon that appears at the top of the menu. Response times may vary and may be delayed at this time. Please continue to check your Inbox for a reply from a Verizon agent. Please direct all correspondence concerning your issue to the agents who will be assisting you privately.
