FIOS Disconnect Runaround!
Enthusiast - Level 2

Today I called Verizon to make plan changes due to upcoming expiration of a 2 year agreement. I wanted to drop TV and keep internet. A person named Anthony made a valiant attempt to have me keep my TV services and when I insisted that the TV be dropped, he put me on hold and came back several times to tell me he was unable to bring up my account. after 20 minutes of playing this game he came back a final time to say he was still unable to access my account. I asked him to transfer me to someone that was able to access my account and he refused. I am not sure how Verizons' customer service should operate, but I suspect he was simply not wanting to lose a sale. I told him I would call again. The next rep fulfilled my wishes quickly and without a problem. This all leaves a bad taste in my mouth for Verizon. I also have wireless phone service and I am considering options of exiting Verizon completely. As a long time Verizon customer it is very upsetting that new customers can take advantage of great introductory offers, yet tried and true paying customers see their bills rise and if they try to cancel or reduce services, they are given a full dress down or at the very least have the process made complicated. I can give Verizon high marks for the product, but they consistantly fail with service.

2 Replies

There are bad apples in all companies. 

What verizon doesnโ€™t realize as with their wireless, you cannot keep having poor business practices and unchanging attitudes towards products and services.

for having a good product many kudos, for hiring these poorly trained individuals they should just terminate their employment.  Loads of people are looking for employment.

things will not change until we the customers change via looking elsewhere for services. Itโ€™s takes awhile to hurt the bottom line but it can be done.

hopefully everything worked out for you.

Enthusiast - Level 1

I. hate. Verizon.   I switched cell service to TMobile and it is 150.00 per month cheaper(not taxes or hidden charges either).

I only have them for internet now because I have no other options.  They must be losing alot of business due to the way they overcharge and then treat their customers poorly.  Karma is a **bleep**.