Free Tablet

I wish I would have read about the Verizon tablet scam before I went to the verizon store.  I got mine today and I am taking mine back tomorrow and then I am switching my service to someone else.  How can people do this to customers.  Ok I was told about the 10 dollars a month but nowhere in the conversation was I ever told that there was a 2 year contract or that there is a 350 dollar early termination fee or that there is a 70 dollar restocking fee.  How can you read a page when you are not allowed to hold the representatives tablet to read it.  I cannot believe that I have been with this company for so long and they scam you like this.  Shame on you Verizon!  This scam sounds like a scam that a big  bank got busted for not too long ago.  You just lost me and I am sure many other people as customers but then I don't think that you really care because if you did you would not have treated your customers like this in the first place.  If everyone is having the same problem then maybe it is not us who are not reading the paperwork because we were never offered to read it just to sign it.

1 Reply

I too got scammed by this "free tablet".

I'm at a loss at how a free tablet adds several 100 dolars to your "cellular wireless account". How does a free gift from the Fios TV end up on Verzon cellular?

What if i didnt have verizon cell phones?

Anyway I'm now fighting collection agency #2, since #1 ran once I started questioning their tactics as it pertains to the FDCPA.

I've swithed my TV to Xfinity and my cell phones to AT&T. I'm done with verizon altogether