Frustration with Customer Service

Made a mistake in attempting to get the new Fios TV One boxes via a chat session on the website. I aloud them to check my rates as they always ask and was told I was out of contract and that they could save me some money will still providing the same level of content I was already getting. Of course I said yes. This was on February 1st. Today is February 22nd. 

So what happened was , yes my bill is lower, that part was achieved. But the service level was downgraded to achieve that goal on the chat reps side. He told me all things would be the same just saving me money. 

It is now over three weeks later and after many calls to customer service nothing has changed. 

They keep putting me off, telling me that it has been escalated, but no one has ever contacted me.  

To double down on the frustration last weekend call with the " Supervisor "  they told me that I had agreed to a new 2 year contract and that I was obligated. 

Well.....if I had recieved the same level of service and at the lower price quoted i would not be here complaining.  Instead I am paying less and getting way less service. I have been with Verizon for well over a decade at the same address and they just do not seem to care. Tough luck seems to be the answer.

So when I make my weekly call now to see where the follow up is I have to start the story at the beginning....

Last week they even went as far as telling me that the service ticket was still open and that they could not do anything until it closed on the 18th. Remember I started this on February 1st. Got the boxes in the mail and installed , returned the old boxes and got confirmation on that all by February 7th...and here we are on February 22nd and still not getting the same service I had...they will not send me the transcript of the chat yet they want to hold me accountable to the "agreement " when I said yes on the chat session.  If they can read that I said yes then they can read that the agent told me I would be getting the same level of service

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Your issue has been escalated to a Verizon agent. Please check your Private Messenger Inbox for a message from a Verizon Support agent. You can find your Inbox by clicking on your username at the top right corner of this page and then clicking the envelope icon that appears at the top of the menu. Please direct all correspondence concerning your issue to the agents who will be assisting you privately.
