Enthusiast - Level 1

so like the title says we got talk into switching to verizon fios from optimum for my business. and part of the deal was an $400 dollar gift card.

Was told it will be sent to us after 4 month we sign up, and its been way pass the 4 month period and i have yet seen my gift card. so i decided to contact the sales,  got no answer did a dozen phone calls and hours waiting on hold getting bounce from department to department and the answer i got was they dont see any gift card in my account and the promotion was for the 150/150 plan not 75/75. 

so i give up and wanted to share my experince and also to give people a heads up if anybody come knocking on your door and try to sell you fios and promise a gift card than i would step back and think again its probably too good to be true and you might end up in the same position as me and a whole bunch of other people here on the fourm.  they will try anything to get you sign up and once you do and pass the canceling people, well you are basically **bleep**

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