Getting charged for a cancelled trial. Now in collections.

I signed up for the Home Internet a few months ago for the free trial. I was told if I cancelled within the trial period, there is no charge. 

I used the service for 2 days and decided it wasn't for me. Returned the unit and was told there would be no charge and no worries.

I received a bill for $60 that month and I called and was told it would be all set and not to worry. I then started getting late notices and I tried calling over and over. I got handed around from department to department. Hours after hours and no one could tell me why I'm getting billed, just confusion.

Today I got a collections notice. What the heck do I have to do to get you guys off my back? Drive to your headquarters? You obviously can't hire competent staff.

2 Replies
Moderator Emeritus

Hi jmenko,

Once an account is in collections, it is transferred from Verizon to a third-party collector. You will need to contact the collection agency for information or to file a dispute regarding your closed account.


So glad I didn't switch my phones over at the same time. What a terrible company. I thought T-Mobile was bad sometimes, never stole my money and then tried to wreck my credit. Great job Verizon. I guess you really are number one, in ruining peoples lives.

