Having issues with my sub-account and also problems with forum ID's

I'll try to explain this as best as possible, there are two parts to this.

1. adl5848 is the ID for the main account holder, my father. He wanted to create a sub-account for me so I could help him take care of the account along with giving me an email account. The sub-account was bal1985, which I happend to delete my mistake. However, I talked to Verzion and they got it back. When I logged into my account (bal1985) I no longer see anything, none of my services, can't see the bill, can only access my email. I have no clue what is going with this, any ideas? Before I was able to pay the bill for him and so forth.

2. Trying to access to the Comminity Forums has been a nightmare. The account holder adl5848 has no issue logging into the forums, he just uses his login/password that he uses to sign into Verizon.com to check out his account. For me I seem to have 2 user ids:

bal1985 date reg: ‎06-11-2009 

landon17 date reg: 11-24-2010

And for some reason I can only sign into the forums using the "Sign in with my Community Only User ID and password" option.  Also, after I login into the forums using that bal1985 id, my id then comes up as "blmoney"? I have no clue what the heck is going on. My father has main acess to everything and can acess the forums, he only needs to use one login. Is there a way to delete accounts on the forums? 

5 Replies
Moderator Emeritus

We do not delete accounts, but we do ban multiple IDs. Please let us know which ID you wish to keep.

Enthusiast - Level 1

 I am having the exact same issues as a sub account holder.  I've had fIOS for 7 years now until this past month, me as a sub-account holder can no longer pay the bill online. I'm nt the primary as I was not home the day they installed fios here, my wife was and she is not involved with the tech or the payments as she just wants it to work so therefore I must handle it all.  Verizon handcuffs me in my own home with managing bill payments,etc..   I have 2 accounts as well and have had them for 7yrs with no issues until this past month.

Moderator Emeritus

Hello woodfoot

Sorry you are having difficulty, an agent with access to your account will reach out to you directly by email, private message in the Forums and/or the billing telephone number on your Verizon account for more information to help you resolve your issue.

Enthusiast - Level 1
No help was given. A just further frustration.
Moderator Emeritus

It can take two business days for a response.