How can I file a corporate complaint?


I have been a dedicated verizon fios customer for two years. I always paid my bill every month on time until I ran into an unforseen situation with my one payment while I was on unpaid maternity leave for 3 months. I called explaining my situation to an agent asking if I can continue payment arrangements for two of the months on leave, then continue regularly once I'm reinstated. I was told it was no issue & that I could always make arrangements through my online account as well. (Mind you, just because I was unpaid leave, I always made a payment, I just had a week, or so extention past my date) when I returned back to work making payments regularly again, I seen a extra charge on my bill so i I called to find out what it was for & after speaking with an agent for awhile he told me that I had actually been double charged for the same bill, so he sent me to another department (billing) that reversed payment. Eventually my service was suspended & I was now being sent a $300 bill! When I called, the rudest agent possible got on the phone informing me "well, you requested we return your last payment of $150, so now you owe a double bill" I said no, the last agent I spoke to told me I was double charged & gave me a payment back. She goes on to say "well I don't know why if their not in billing" I said no, but he transferred me to billing & that person looked at my account, told me the same &  reversed  it. Her response was "well I don't know why, but can you just pay it again since you did before" At this point I'm beyond mad, because on top of it during my conversation with this rude agent, I was told by the initial "I need a refund" agent that he renewed me an upgraded additional 2 year contract since mines was up in February & then the agent I spoke with prior to the rude agent informed "no your not even in a new contract & it wasn't renewed". Them the rude agent tells me"well I don't know why they told you that, because you are now. So at this point I'm steaming from her unprofessional demeanor towards everything. I say to her no miss, I don't just have $300 laying around to say oh here you go! She then tells me well how about you pay $200 now & up arrange the rest. I'm thinking did you not hear me the first time? In spite of all this she never once took time to ask my situation & how this all came about in the first place & I'm just infuriated now. I hung up last week & still to have yet restore my service. At this point it's the principal! The calls are recorders are they not? So since I have one agent saying I double paid & the next saying no, then one saying I'm in a contract again & one saying I'm not that I should now be compensated. I want to be in no new contract since i was already told I'm not & im not budging on this matter!

2 Replies
Moderator Emeritus
This issue has been escalated to a Verizon agent.