I was been over charged by Verizon for more than 3 years. So unhappy and upset
Enthusiast - Level 1

Today. I just found I was been overcharged by Verizon for more than 3 years.  My friends have Fios Gigabit Connection , their bill only around $65/ month.  I was shocked, because I paid double or even triple amount for my FIOS bill compare to my firends' bill. imagemy friend's billimagemy friend's bill 2imagemy overcharged billimagemy overcharged bill2My bill is over $116/month $177/ months. I was been overcharged for more than 3 years. Oh my god, It's ridiculous. The most ridiculous part is I was been over charged for $177/ month or $145/month  more than 3 years with 150MB slow internet speed!!!.  My friends' Fios Gigabit Connection only charge for $65/ month.  The Verzion agents did not add discounts for my account. How I can get my overpayment money back, it's a lot, more than m $3000 overpaid in past 3 years. Does anyone have same experience or have suggestions on request refund for overcharge payments?   Thank you very much. 

2 Replies
Community Leader
Community Leader

You haven't been overcharged.

Gigabit hasn't been available for 3 years.

And if your friend is a new customer, they will always get a better deal than an existing customer?

Are you still under contract or did you let it lapse?

Enthusiast - Level 1

Thank you for reply.  I always with Verzion Fios.  I just sign in to 2 year contact in 2018 Jan.  But my friends even have not sign the contact, but their bill is much lower than mine.