Incorrect billing

I have had a history raising a complaint with the Verizon billing dept. I have also made Better Business Bureau aware of this issue.

The billing amount is continuously changing even though I have a contract with Verizon. This month my bill was increased by $120.00. I called customer service18008374966 today to raise the concern and question as to why my bill increased soo much. I requested to speak to a supervisor after I noticed the representative I was speaking to was clueless on what services my contract covered. I spoke to Mrs. Walker (supervisor in NJ) I asked for id but she said her name was sufficient and refused to give me any further identification. I proceeded to go over the changes I noticed on my account which she could not locate. I told her I was on the Verizon "my account" website where it explains the changes of billing amount. She proceeded to tell me that at one point November the billing dept did not bill certain charges for phone line. This bill reinstated the charges plus the increase on the bundle package deal. This is why my amount changed and now will be billed $120.00. I cannot understand why I am paying more because they cannot get their billing straight. I insisted that the difference of the charges was due to billing errors in the past which they are now trying to recover what they can for months they did not charge of unknown services that they gave. My agreed bundle package deal was to include triple package of internet, cable and phone. In addition 2 italian stations and 500 international minutes phone plan for $154.00 plus equipment box charges (3) boxes and maintenance plan which totaled $199.00 all inclusive. She insisted that the new amount will change to $220. But I am being billed $280. I have had numerous disputes with Verizon on their billing errors. They do not honor their contract and their billing dept bills recklessly. It takes time and energy to try to go through the disputes every single time both by phone and in writing. There is no structure nor consequences to their reoccurring billing errors. This is poor customer service and fraud if they bill what they please without honoring a contract.

Desired Resolution: Billing AdjustmentDesired Outcome 

I want them to honor their contract and correct the amount per month to what I agreed to pay. My bundle package deal was to include triple package of internet, cable and phone. In addition 2 italian stations and 500 international minutes phone plan for $154.00 plus equipment box charges (3) boxes and maintenance plan and tax. The amount agreed was 199.00 all inclusive. Not $220 or $280. Furthermore be more be responsible when billing. Its unfair a person has to be subjected to the amount of stress on a monthly basis when looking at their Verizon bill and having to get into a battle for hrs on the phone with representatives that are also unaware of agreed service and amount per contract. They should be held accountable of their errors and take steps to correct it from happening again.

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Moderator Emeritus

Hi Vieste80,

Your issue has been escalated to a Verizon agent. Please check your Private Message Inbox for a message from Verizon_Support. You can find your Inbox by clicking on your username at the top right corner of this page. Please direct all correspondence concerning your issue to the agents who will be assisting you privately.
