Late Fees

Was out of work for 5 months on disability due to cancer and Verizon wouldn't waive a few late fees.  I work in customer service and we always work with customers that have unforseen circumstances.  And we especially go out of our way to assist clients with medical situations.  Verizon, you have terrible customer service. 

3 Replies

@gweilo wrote:

Was out of work for 5 months on disability due to cancer and Verizon wouldn't waive a few late fees.  I work in customer service and we always work with customers that have unforseen circumstances.  And we especially go out of our way to assist clients with medical situations.  Verizon, you have terrible customer service. 

Unfortunately the corporations today are not in the business of granting credits because they would be hit by everyone with any type of ailment. Hence the no actions as in your situation.  Companies are in business to provide a service for payment. 

They provide the service they deserve the payment. You don’t work for free? Why expect a service company to work for free or give away their services. They have employees to pay and company expenses. 


Unfortunately very true.  My company must be the only one left with common decency.  And by your logic, Verizon should lay off all USA based call center employees and outsource customer service in order to provide a lower product cost.  If the late fee is so critical to their bottom line, why stop there?  I'd rather accept a 10% reduction in product cost rather than pay for USA based customer service that has no empathy.


@gweilo wrote:

Unfortunately very true.  My company must be the only one left with common decency.  And by your logic, Verizon should lay off all USA based call center employees and outsource customer service in order to provide a lower product cost.  If the late fee is so critical to their bottom line, why stop there?  I'd rather accept a 10% reduction in product cost rather than pay for USA based customer service that has no empathy.

The underlying issue is “just what customer service can be expected, and what those agents can do” sorry state of affairs i will agree. However companies today are in the grab as much cash as you can in as quick as you can, by any means possible. At the lowest possible costs. This is where customer service comes in, or lack thereof.

my brother in law owns a customer service center out of texas. He has over 500 employees. His people do not give refunds but tech support for a myriad of computer products. But he keeps his company in the USA. No outsourcing.

what verizon does is keep usa based customer services, but not as many as they use to since they down sized. Offshore customer inquiries are normally after 6 pm and on weekends and holidays. I just recently tried to reach a home phone rep but was told via recording they had set hours. Bell telephone use to have 24 hour support, but no more.

the other issue is these off shore people don’t have total access to your account. For very good reason. They are there to deflect the consumer and when they say you will get this refund or that rebate it is false. Verizon it seems does not like to return funds just find more creative ways to get your funds.

they have stock holders and employees that need to be paid. They do not pay taxes (they get rebates and subsidies which can be proven via google search and company records) and they need the revenue to pay off debt from mergers and other company business.

eventually consumers will have enough of this type of business ethic and the company will end out of business or greatly losing revenues. Today there are many choices for services. You just have to get them.

Voice displeasure via walking away with your money.