Mistreatment by a supervisor.

On 4/5/2024, a supervisor named Luis was the 5th person I spoke with, trying to remedy the fact that I will have to start payig $30 more for my home internet, as the ACP program was ending.  I was trying to find out how to apply to Fios Forward.

During our conversation, Luis was unprofessional and treated me disrespectfully.  Luis told me that the plan I will have was "comfortable".  I told him that was an inappropriate thing to say to me because he does not know my situation and what is comfortable for me . He replied, "Well, you don't know my situation." 

What kind of response is this from any Verizon employee, let alone a supervisor? As the the conversation continued, Luis went on to use the words "affordable" and "good"  to describe my new rate.  I continued to object to his caracterizations and told him that I would hhave to make a complaint. He replied, "Okay.".

I have had many frustrating conversations with Verizon  Customer Service. Never have I had supervisor treat me so callously. I want to know how to make a formal complaint against the supervisor named Luis, with whom I spoke on the morning of 4/5/2024.

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