Monthly charges for free phone and monthly credits
Enthusiast - Level 1


I took advantage of “free phone” deals at black friday and switched 4 lines from another carrier to verizon. As soon as my lines were ported I also signed for paperless autopay ..

Based on that I expected to see the advertised plan price of 120+fees and taxes on my monthly bill, but right away I see on my verizon that owe 275 for the first month (this is two days after I switched to verizon and this is prepayment for 1st month)


I  spoke to a representative who explained  to me that these  deals would take some time to kick in and once they do I will start to see a credit for each phone line in the amount that would cancel out the charges made for mobile phone installments.

So my question is:

1 .   How long does it  take for free phone credits to kick in and cancel out the monthly installments I am paying for new phones?

2. Same question for autopay savings

3. Once the discounts kick in , is the money I paid during the time before the discount was applied,  going to be returned to me or I actually paid 2x the price I was quoted for?

I would appreciate your comments 


2 Replies
Customer Service Rep

These are great questions, Navid000. Normally our free device promotions can take 1-2 bill cycles to be added on the account. Once they are added, it will credit the month or two that were billed regularly and then its one credit per month until the end of the device payment term. The Autopay savings take a billing cycle to show up as well.  ~Peter

Customer Service Rep

We are here and ready to assist should you still need help. If you prefer, there are other support channels we have based on what best fits your needs.  We look forward to assisting you.
