ONE BILL has caused my credit score to drop and no bill was ever sent to my home.


At this time I am anxiously waiting for a Verizon FIOS billing supervisor to call me back after being passed around by many different representatives all morning. My issue began back in November 2015 when my husband and I decided to changed our current cable package - this was our biggest mistake in life to date.

When the change was made we were not communicated that our ONE BILL enrollment would be de commissioned. It was not until I received a message from VZW that my cell phone bill was due that I realized our auto pay had also been adjusted. As a result, I logged in quickly to VZW and paid the cell phone bill. I logged into Verizon (FIOS) no bill due. At this time, and days later, one bill was auto pay deducted from my husband's account. My husband was overseas and this was a very big surprised to him as I told him I had taken care of things.

I spent hours on the phone with Verizon reps in December and was assured the auto pay would be unenrolled for the next month and we would be good and in good standing. Come January, the same thing happens again to my husand's account and I call back and spend hours with representatives and get the dollars credited back. At this time I became aware that we had a completely sepearte account number.

Now... January to February and February to March we are paying our verizon wireless bill and FIOS bills respectively. No issues. No phone calls. No emails. No service interruptions.

I wake up this morning to an email from EXPERIAN for my credit monitoring service to find a note that Verizon has my account in serious delinquency for an unpaid ONE BILL bill that I have never received a bill in the mail for. It just so happens that my husband and I are in under writing for a mortgage loan that we are set to close on on April 12th. Verizon is telling me that I need to wait for a spervisor to call to dsicuss but it's unlikely this can be removed. I have never been late on a payment to verizon and have been a verizon customer for hte last 15 years. I am completely irate and frustrated that Verizon's failure of a ONE BILL program is effective its customer base in such severe ways. We could potentially lose our home mortgage because of this and no one at Verizon wants to help.

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Moderator Emeritus

Hi CorGor,

Your issue has been escalated to a Verizon agent. Before the agent can begin assisting you, they will need to collect further information from you. Please go to your profile page for the forum and look at the top of the middle column where you will find an area titled "My Support Cases". You can reach your profile page by clicking on your name beside your post, or at the top left of this page underneath the title of the board.

Under "My Support Cases" you will find a link to the private board where you and the agent may exchange information. The title of your post is the link. This should be checked on a frequent basis, as the agent may be waiting for information from you before they can proceed with any actions. To ensure you know when they have responded to you, at the top of your support case there is a drop down menu for support case options. Open that and choose "subscribe". Please keep all correspondence regarding your issue in the private support portal.
