Payment made and accepted by Verizon but not recorded on account

We processed a payment on 9/18 and the payment was sent via ACH and was accepted by Verizon on 9/22/23 but as of today, 10/26/23, it is still not showing on our account. No one is willing to help me with this and no one will provide me with a way to provide the proof to Verizon that the payment was made and received by them so that they can research the payment on their side. 

I have talked to 2 reps online and 3 reps over the phone and no one is willing or apparently able to help me with this. The last rep didn't hang up on me but stopped responding me to and I have been just sitting with no one answering me for the last 30 mins. 

3 Replies

Same this just happened to me. Verizon pointing fingers at the bank in the bank, pointing fingers back at Verizon, so I got them both on the phone together and got nowhere. 

Customer Service Rep

We're sorry to hear that you're having problems with your payment. The last thing we want is for there to be a missing payment and we'd like to help you. We're going to send you a Private Note so we can assist. 


Customer Service Rep

Hello, PENNTREATY1, we're glad to help take a closer look and help ensure that your payment gets applied to your account. So we can best assist, we will be reaching out via Private Note.
