Promotional Credit Removed from Account In Error
Enthusiast - Level 2

Hi - Any assistance from anyone is helpful.  On August 29, 2023, I purchased a S23Ultra to participate in the promotional credit program.  At that time, up to $800 in device credits were available.  So, I proceeded to trade in my S21+.  All the records indicate that Verizon received my trade on September 12, 2023.  So, all was well, and I have a new phone.   

On October 12th, I received a series of puzzling emails.  One stated that because I did not return my device in a timely manner, all previous promotional credits would be withdrawn.  This was surprising, as you can view the shipping receipt document online.  The tracking number matches the receipt date of September 12, 2023.  

Now, I need to give a little backstory.  On July 31, 2023.  I attempted to purchase the same S23Ultra, along with an iPhone 14Plus.  All the normal procedures were followed.  Unfortunately, the devices did not arrive.  Upon further investigation, the delivery company retracted its tracking information and noted that Verizon should contact them for additional information.  At that point, it was determined the items were either stolen or misplaced - they were not on the delivery truck. So, over the following days, the various Verizon Agents implemented different protocols to remove the purchases from my account, cancel the contracts for the devices and refund the taxes I paid.  So, I thought, this was closed.

Well, it appears that was not the case.

I have now called Verizon Customer Service on 4 occasions.  Each Agent submits the appropriate form to the appropriate department.  Each bill has the credits removed and the device payment as normal.  The last agent, Sonia, was beautiful.  She simply said, " I suggest you call in on the 15th of the month and the agent will manually adjust your account to reflect the promotional credits."  In my opinion, this is an unreasonable inconvenience.  I did not do anything wrong.  I followed the instructions as directed from Verizon.  It is not my error that the system was not updated in a timely fashion.   It is to say "although we screwed up, if you want the credits, you have to call in and ask..."

Does anyone know any human within the Verizon Organization who could assist?  All that needs to happen is that a systems engineer update my account to reflect that the device was received, processed and determined non-defective, therefore the line is eligible for the advertised promotional credits to be applied as per the agreement.

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12 Replies
Customer Service Rep

SoCalCIts, I'm really sorry to read about the issues you've been running into with your trade-in promotion. The last thing we want is for you to miss out on the monthly trade-in credits that you should be receiving after trading in your device. We'd love the chance to make things right, and ensure we provide a lasting solution once and for all. To best assist, we'll be sending a Private Message.



Enthusiast - Level 2

I'm hoping I can also get some help as I've had this issue numerous bills and have been told it will reflect and continue to discount after 2 billing periods and I'm lost at how to get these associates directions to actually be true and work. Its almost like the customer will just give in and not care if we keep stringing the same old story. I really am at a point after 20+++ years of loyalty of researching other carriers and they keep sweetening the pot to switch. I don't want to but something has to give. Getting an associate who actually makes things happen and cares about the long-term customer would be so relieving..... 

Customer Service Rep


Hello Luckydevil13. We would be happy to review this with you. We never want to see you leave us. Did you recently change your plan? What promotion were you on? -Joe

Enthusiast - Level 2

Trying to respond via email and keep getting sender not valid. Thank you for responding and I originally had an 800 trade in credit that made my phone 16.68 a month until I received a email that said I must change my plan before a certain time or I would lose promo. Talked to a Verizon associate and was told this was a company computer generated email and took associates advice to fix. It worked once then same issue and called back and was told it would be honored and wait a billing cycle or 2 and it would be fixed. Got some type of inconvenience credit and then back to 38.88 payments with no adjustments or fix and called again and was assured it'll take billing cycle or 2. No such luck and that's where I'm looking at some hard decisions as I have another issue that I'd like to look at after if l,big if, this can be worked out. I've been told all of this is notated and can be looked at. Id love to hear a response and continue my 20+ year loyalty relationship. I thank you for responding and please lmk what you think.

Much appreciated,
Enthusiast - Level 2

Hi Luckydevill13

I will assume you have been asked to respond to a private message. 

For starters, as you have experienced being a long-time Verizon Customer, promotions and discounts are not equally applied most of the time.

Errors abound in all service providers.  Some service providers place a different emphasis on customer interaction, as without the appropriate engagement, sales plummet.   Wireless Service providers have no impetus to give the best customer experience - it's a marketing facade designed to give the appearance of care as a means of attraction - your experience alone proves the fact.  There are far too many "I gotta have the latest xxxxx" customers, and the resultant sales from that drive to detour or allocate resources to resolve the small number of human errors that occur.  If the general customer service rep cannot get the matter solved, you will spend an inordinate amount of time trying to get a resolution.  Don't give up, keep trying. I spent 4 months addressing the issue and finally got a resolution.


I too had my promotional credits removed and made several calls and in person visits to Verizon store.  My issue started with a 9/16/2023 email from Verizon saying my credit was being removed because I switched to an inelible plan on 12/9/2021 (18 months earlier!).  Verizon restored credit on one of three lines.   Having last two calls escalated and supervisor agreeing and reentering promotional credit request yielded nothing despite my being on the phone for over an hour both times.   Having now paid off the phones, I am free to choose other options.   Having been a Verizon customer for over 20 years when Verizon was deemed one of the best, I' m sorry to see that the company has chosen to mirror the cable industry for poor customer service and an inability to communicate directly with the department that can make decisions and corrections on the phone.  

Enthusiast - Level 2

Hi Izzy

Let me publicly "Thank You" for all the work you have done to resolve my issue.  Each Employee at Verizon [should] be held to a higher standard and offer each customer the best possible experience.   We are human, and our different personalities seem to wander their way into our work ethic, often resulting in an unpleasant engagement.  Our engagement was the complete opposite.  As I expressed during the chat, no Verizon customer should go through failed communication after failed communication, becoming frustrated in the process, being left with unreasonable expectations, and distrusting the brand with each failed attempt.  What you did for me in resolving my issue must become Verizon's Standard for Customer engagement and not a "last-ditch effort."  If all the surveys and polls reveal anything, it is that humans want to feel "listened to" and treated with "value" - any communication or engagement lacking those tenets will result in a customer assuming Verizon just does not care.  

What Izzy has proven is that Verizon has the tools, means and ability to resolve customer issues.  Unfortunately, it appears those tools means and abilities are in the possession of a select few at Verizon, which, is saddening.  Who would want their company to be viewed in a negative light for any moment when there is clearly an opportunity and ability to prevent the observation or assumption.  I emphatically implore Verizon to change the customer engagement mechanism to match that of Izzy, so that all Verizon Customers can have a "valued" experience.  This change would equip  all Verizon Employees (with (tools, access and training) at every facet of customer engagement so that the end result is a truly valued customer.

Thank You Izzy for being the best part of Verizon.

Customer Service Rep

SoCalClts, thank you so much for sharing this experience with us. We will lift your feedback and make sure that Izzy gets recognized for the wonderful work. Thank you for taking the time, and for being part of our family. ❤️


Enthusiast - Level 2

I'd like to begin by thanking SoCalClts for the wisdom and the advice.  Hanging in there and not giving up is very solid as is more of us venting more should mean more results  to be expected. Not sure why but I responded to Customer service and notification sent but never made contact and my last community message just disappeared. Please respond so that I can continue getting my promo credit issue worked on and also lmk if I'm doing something incorrect in not seeing or getting a response. My thanks and Thanks again to SoCalClts. Glad you got positive news. 

Enthusiast - Level 2

Luckydevill13 , I would be a millionaire if I were a betting man.  No sooner than the issue with the Promotional Credits was resolved, my Verizon Account Plans were dismantled, and the system literally removed my account and restored it.  One of my lines disconnects every 24 hours and is basically a glorified MP3 Player.  Verizon Support India asked me more questions than the CIA until my account finally returned after a system reset. 

Verizon teaches your patience.  At any point, any of the human agents can have a bad day and turn a small matter into a service loss.  Believe me, as a veteran, it harms my soul that I would give my life for this country, only to be transferred to another country for support. I also understand capitalism, and although I disagree with Verizon's approach, it is functional, even with the language barrier discrepancy.  Call, chat, or post every month until you get the credits you deserve.

Customer Service Rep

Hello, being on top of your account is vital, especially if you are managing your promotional credits. Our goal is to offer the support you need. Thanks for not giving up.


We sent you a Private Message, please review at your earliest convenience.


Enthusiast - Level 2

No Private message was received.  The moderator removed the response (violation of duplicate posts - bombing ):"  I've never heard of that one, but, OK.  This is Verizon's space, and we will abide by the terms.   

The issue was resolved, as indicated in another post.  As links are forbidden, I cannot mention, state or stipulate that post - perhaps this response may be deleted as well.

 If you are a Verizon Employee, call me, and I'll let you know what really happened.  Otherwise, like other companies - the space is limited to goodness.