RIDICULOUS charge for Verizon TV Restoral Fee

It's $50 for a TV restoral???

Are they crazy??

Not only that but I ALWAYS pay on time and I missed ONE payment and the customer service dept could not credit me. 

What the $#%#%????

17 Replies

Verizon is CROOKS!!

Charging $50.00 to hard working folks like money grows on tree's.

$50.00 for a computer to reactivate your service.. No labor at all involved should be illegal..Greedy!!



Verizon is CROOKS!!

Charging $50.00 to hard working folks like money grows on tree's.

$50.00 for a computer to reactivate your service.. No labor at all involved should be illegal..Greedy!!

That really makes neither here nor there. It is what a customer agrees to when getting services. If you don’t pay your power and gas bill you get shut off. They don’t turn it back on until you pay it, or make payment arraignments. It’s not verizons fault you have or took a service you cannot afford. 


The gas and electric companies charge you a reconnect fee because they actually need to pay a service rep who makes $45 an hour to physically reconnect service. Verizon just hits a button and likely costs them very little.


@Boo4 wrote:

The gas and electric companies charge you a reconnect fee because they actually need to pay a service rep who makes $45 an hour to physically reconnect service. Verizon just hits a button and likely costs them very little.

However that is neither here nor there. Yes gas & electric may need to send a person out. Verizon may just flip a switch. In both cases the bill was not paid. Not paying the invoice is a breach of the customers agreement with the company. So if they charge $50 or any other sum to restore it you pay it. The other two solutions are to pay the invoices on time or go elsewhere.

by the way no company is going to let customers just not pay the invoices without consequences. Think....


I agree.  Verizon is costly and insensitive to its customers.  I had a similar experience this morning (April 10, 2018).   Verizon is too costly and is always trying to sell new plans or ideas to its customers.  Do they care about how Verizon impacts its customers with negative behaviors and decisions?  I have to pay past dues in order to keep my service and can never pay the total bill.  I would go to a different company with justifiable fees and drop Verizon that does offer quality programs but charge ioutrageous prices.

Just this morning, a {edited for privacy} in Collections, said that she did not see in my account what a previous employee said she put in on March 14 to waive the restoral fee.  I asked her why couldn't she waive it and she said it is company policy.  We know that this is extra money for Verizon to keep whentheynever give customers a break. I have been a customer for 20+ years but never get any recognition for being with them so long.   Verizon is worst today than ever!!!



I agree.  Verizon is costly and insensitive to its customers.  I had a similar experience this morning (April 10, 2018).   Verizon is too costly and is always trying to sell new plans or ideas to its customers.  Do they care about how Verizon impacts its customers with negative behaviors and decisions?  I have to pay past dues in order to keep my service and can never pay the total bill.  I would go to a different company with justifiable fees and drop Verizon that does offer quality programs but charge ioutrageous prices.

Just this morning, a {edited for privacy} in Collections, said that she did not see in my account what a previous employee said she put in on March 14 to waive the restoral fee.  I asked her why couldn't she waive it and she said it is company policy.  We know that this is extra money for Verizon to keep whentheynever give customers a break. I have been a customer for 20+ years but never get any recognition for being with them so long.   Verizon is worst today than ever!!!

I hate seeing posts like this, but in any company you have business dealings with there are consequences. If you cannot afford Fios services and be able to pay on time every time then you cannot complain when fees are accessed.

now if you did pay your invoice on time and then were accessed a fee I can understand the anger at the situation. 

I keep reading how bad Verizon is and how the customer who gets turned off for not paying their monthly invoice is now going to another service. Going to another service is not going to help. The other service will want their money for services rendered.

any company would have taken the same stance.

loyality means absolutely nothing. You are paying for services rendered. If you don’t pay for those services you get shut off. In the same right if the service is too high then shop around for cheaper services.


The issue here is not about the late fee being charged...it is $50 restoral fee... there is always a grace period for paying your bill, the late fee should be reasonable...it cannot be 50% of your monthly bill....ridiculous !!!



The issue here is not about the late fee being charged...it is $50 restoral fee... there is always a grace period for paying your bill, the late fee should be reasonable...it cannot be 50% of your monthly bill....ridiculous !!!

Again it simply comes down to the terms you agreed to on getting the service.

yes things happen and it can be put off a bill to cover something more important than tv or internet. 

However when you make the choice factor in what the consequences may be.

yep late fees, then a restoration fee to turn service back on. You should not expect a company to let it slide since it can happen again and again. So before the invoice gets too out of control it is nipped in the bud quickly. Saves the company from going after the consumer, and saves the consumer from getting in too deep for yet another debt.


I have been charged for $50 for restoring the services. When i asked them what steps were done to restore that justify this $50 and Verizon customer service told me that their tech has to go to the central office to re-attach the fibre cables. This can't be done in few seconds, this is ridiculous..

Although now i have decided to terminate verizon soon and would not suggest Verizon to anybody as they are fooling around people with these kinds of unjustified hidden charges.

I would like if someone responsible from Verizon reading these comments can give me tasks that were performed to resume my services with time stamps that justify the $50 charge or evidence of tech going to the central office with speed of light to re-attach the fibres .... (Even if they are paging someone in central offices can't be done in few seconds--- They say it will take 1 hour to resume but services will get resume within seconds)


@Techie29 wrote:

I would like if someone responsible from Verizon reading these comments can give me tasks that were performed to resume my services with time stamps that justify the $50 charge or evidence of tech going to the central office with speed of light to re-attach the fibres .... (Even if they are paging someone in central offices can't be done in few seconds--- They say it will take 1 hour to resume but services will get resume within seconds)

Verizon doesn’t have to justify reconnection prices or process of turning a delinquent account back on. It would not need to be reconnected if the invoice was paid. And no other company is going to explain their reconnect process, they will tell you the cost.

high charges to “throw a switch, or send a person out” are done that way so customers will not make a habit of not paying their bills.


so you are saying it’s ok for verizon to lie it’s customers and then charge them almost 25-30% of the bill to restore service with the click of a button?????? 

That does not solve the the problem of customers paying their bills on time . It’s makes it harder for them to afford or pay their bills on time. It also make customers irate , upset, ready to complain and cancel. Charging a late fee or cutting off service is fine. But taking the equivalent of the internet bill alone to reconnect service that cost nothing to turn off is unfair and unethical and will catch up to Verizon soon enough. 


@loyalcustomer wrote:

so you are saying it’s ok for verizon to lie it’s customers and then charge them almost 25-30% of the bill to restore service with the click of a button?????? 

That does not solve the the problem of customers paying their bills on time . It’s makes it harder for them to afford or pay their bills on time. It also make customers irate , upset, ready to complain and cancel. Charging a late fee or cutting off service is fine. But taking the equivalent of the internet bill alone to reconnect service that cost nothing to turn off is unfair and unethical and will catch up to Verizon soon enough. 

What solves the problem is to pay your bills on time. You can spin it any way you like.

if they could have afforded to pay the bills they would not be in the situation.

and how the company turns service on or off is up to them. Not you or me.

customers cannot complain when THEY are the ones that put themselves into the delinquent situation. And trust me no company wants to have customers who cannot pay their bills on time every time. So their leaving is actually a blessing to the company.

and if they cannot afford service at Verizon what makes you think they can afford charter or Comcast?


I’ve just experienced this today. **bleep** is a restoral fee? Verizon ya are just driving your customers away. Maybe it’s safer that way anyway, they’re the only company as of now that I know of that’s distributing 5G internet to their customers and from what I’ve been reading online 5G internet speed cause cancer and it’s harmful for the masses. Maybe ya should fall since ya extort money for us to kill ourself anyway because ya believe we aren’t educated enough. People do your research on 5G and then decide if it’s worth it. I will be calling a rep today To discuss this and he dangers they put us through while also cancelling my service.  


@Jahcqi wrote:

I’ve just experienced this today. **bleep** is a restoral fee? Verizon ya are just driving your customers away. Maybe it’s safer that way anyway, they’re the only company as of now that I know of that’s distributing 5G internet to their customers and from what I’ve been reading online 5G internet speed cause cancer and it’s harmful for the masses. Maybe ya should fall since ya extort money for us to kill ourself anyway because ya believe we aren’t educated enough. People do your research on 5G and then decide if it’s worth it. I will be calling a rep today To discuss this and he dangers they put us through while also cancelling my service.  

It is the same advice I gave the other poster. Pay your invoice when due or pay for a restoration fee to get service back on.

trying to use 5G is just deflection from the non payment issue. Canceling service is not a bad idea. It’s evident verizons service is too expensive for your budget and payment means. Just remember if you are under contract you will have to pay an early termination fee up to $350 which is higher than the late payment fees or restore fee.


It’s beyond crazy they can charge $50 to push a **bleep** button! Comcast has way better service and charges $6 to reactivate per service even if you had every service Comcast offered it would still not equal $50! What I find sad is that they can charge loyal customers $50 to reactivate there service but when our service is out like mine is now 12/5/2018 for a entire day so they credit us for the service we’re paying them for that is out at no fault of our own??????? **bleep** disgusting not only that when I signed up for service I signed up for the triple play and was given my total for my bill every month. When they installed my service they told me I only signed up for t.v and internet and are still charging me triple play price even after I chose my hole package down to the phone service I wanted! **bleep** higher then Comcast for **bleep**ier service think I’m switching back! 


The same thing happened to me! Comcast never charged a reconnection fee. It’s stupid. A computer does it. 

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