Returned Equipment Charge - Beware!

The unreturned equipment charge issue seems to be a very popular issue for many Verizon customers. I've been dealing with unreturned equipment charges for seven months now. Today, I received a second notice from a collection agency - here is my story and how I responded to the collection notice:

"When I moved to my current address, I transferred my Verizon service to this address after having Verizon service at my previous address. When I transferred the service, I made a change to the service and switched from three set-top boxes to two set-top boxes (and I also cancelled the phone service that was on the account). This apparently prompted Verizon to create a brand new account for me and close out my old account. The installation technician installed the service at my new address on November 29, 2013. When I had the new service installed at the new address, the technician used the two set-top boxes that I was keeping and the same modem/router from the previous address (makes sense, right?). After the installation date, I returned the set-top box that I was not going to be keeping via the prepaid return box that was sent to my home address.

Everything seemed to be in order until I received a bill charging me for unreturned equipment (which apparently is the equipment I’m currently using at the new address). When I called Verizon to inquire about this charge, I was told all equipment is supposed to be returned when you transfer service and make changes to your account and new equipment is installed when the technician completes the installation at the new address. This information was never communicated to me before the move, and in fact, I was only sent one return box when I actually had three set-top boxes (I was keeping two set-top boxes and returning one set-top box). Since this information was never communicated to me, I assumed everything was in order.

After speaking with the customer service representative, I was told the issue would be taken care of. Unfortunately, I received yet another notice that I owed this debt to Verizon. After calling and explaining the situation yet again, I was told that the issue would be resolved. I ended up received a notice from a collection agency previous to the notice that I am responding to now. After receiving the initial collection agency notice, I called Verizon immediately and was told the issue would be resolved. Clearly, the issue was not resolved because I received the collection notice that I am responding to.

I plan to cancel my Verizon service after this issue is resolved. I am also considering contacting local media outlets to inform them about this large error on Verizon’s part."

I also called Verizon yet AGAIN today to ask why I keep receiving these bills and notices. And, for a fifth time, I was told the issue would be resolved. Apparently, I should be getting a call on Friday from a Verizon agent to update me on the status of the issue. Quite honestly, I would be shocked if I actually receive a phone call back, espeically after being told four times previously that the issue would be fixed.

I'lll DEFINITELY be cancelling my Verizon service after this issue is resolved. I don't understand how Verzion could make such a stupid error.

8 Replies
Master - Level 1

You should have given the remaining STB to the tech and he could have returned it and sent you an email that it was received


Well, the issue isn't the STB I returned. Verizon did confirm that they received that box. The issue (and what I'm being charged for) are the remaining STBs I'm currently using at my new address. They are claiming that I never "returned" the equipment that I am currently using as we speak under the new account. I was never told I had to return ALL of the equipment and receive new equipment. 

Master - Level 1

When the tech reactivated the other 2 stbs they should now show up on the new account, unless he just plugged them in at the new house and didn't reactivate them.


I would assume the new STBs would show up on the new account, otherwise I don't think they would function. However, for whatever reason, Verizon still claims they are unreturned on the old account.

It seems so simple, but I don't understand why Verizon is making is so complicated. I don't know what else to do at the moment.

Moderator Emeritus

Your issue has been escalated to a Verizon agent. Before the agent can begin assisting you, they will need to collect further information from you.Please go to your profile page for the forum, and look in the middle, right at the top where you will find an area titled "My Support Cases". You can reach your profile page by clicking on your name beside your post, or at the top left of this page underneath the title of the board.
Under “My Support Cases” you will find a link to the private board where you and the agent may exchange information. This should be checked on a frequent basis as the agent may be waiting for information from you before they can proceed with any actions. To ensure you know when they have responded to you, at the top of your support case there is a drop down menu for support case options. Open that and choose "subscribe".
Please keep all correspondence regarding your issue in the private support portal.

Customer Service Rep


Due to multiple failed attempts to reach you we will be closing this private support case.

If you need further assistance with Verizon service feel free to send us another post.

Thank you,



Verizon is doing exactly what the banks were doing before and than criminally pursued for: slamming random fees around. We had been paying FiOS bills in good faith without checking well on all the line items, but when I heard we were paying about 180 dollars a month (with FiOS prime HD; one TV set; 1 sports pass) I couldn't believe it and gave the bills a closer looks. I discovered we were paying rent for 3 Set Top boxes (having 1 TV). I called Verizon: they explained these were rents for a SD set top box, for a model 6416 box and for a model 7232 box. What we discovered was that the first was replaced/upgraded by the 6416 and later the 6416 by the 7232 (which is the one we're using), but that we didn't sent the first two boxes back to Verizon. As I discovered, they must have been discarded with other used electronics. Our mistake. Once we agreed to that, I tried to arrive at an arrangement with Verizon: essentially saying "OK, we paid our dues - years of monthly rent on those 2 set boxes - so can we now stop the rent, and be over with it?". The answer was "No", because you may very well still own them and be using them on other TVs, so we can't trust what you're saying, and you will have to pay a fee of 250 dollars per non-returned box, for a total of 500 dolars (in addition to the rent already paid). I thought that was a bit outrageous, as I consider Verizon could also have reached out with a mailing and ask if we may-be forgot to send back the equipment. I nearly daily receive letters from Verizon offering different or additional services, so they seem to know very well which services I have and not have. Verizon confirmed they never send us such a letter, and that they're not obliged to. I'm sure that's true, as the're also not obliged to send me all the other letters. Then I asked: "well, please indicate where I can find that number - the 250 dollars per non-returned box -, as you certainly will have those somewhere listed". They told me: "It's in your contract, you can find it easily". I told them: "I don't have a copy of our contract anymore, please send it to me, or show me on your website that number". They wouldn't and they couldn't. At that point, I told Verizon that I didn't like how I was being treated - i.e. arbitrariously -. I requested them to cancel all the rentals (including of my current 7232 box) and that I would look around for another server. Next thing that happens is that I receive a new bill from Verizon, which now lists "Unreturned 2 @ 550.00" (total 1.100) + "SD Set top box - Unreturned

240.00" + "80.24 in VA State Sales taxes". So not only did the fee go up from 250 to 550 since I last spoke with them (which proves that Verizon is arbitrariously defining fees for this) but they also included my 7232 box, which I could not possibly have returned, because I didn't receive a box to return them (and I'm also being being charged 54.99 for FiOS TV until december 2014!). So I called again this morning. I spend 75 minutes talking to 4 different people, among them a "manager". The manager stated: "We're not going to tell you how we came up with the 550.00 number, but that's the price". Well, if they can't come up with that, then I guess there's no reason for me to go forward an pay an arbitrariously establised fee. I also told them I'm going forward canceling there services. The promised to send a box for the 7232 set up and for the router, and they promised that once I send it back, at least the 550.00 fee relating to this "unreturned item" will disappear from my bill.

In a nutshell: Verizon apply fees in an arbitrarious way, like the Banks did until recently. Good enough Congress finally forced the Banks to change that. We already had left the Banks for Credit Unions. The point is, Verizon profits on an oligopolistic system, and regretfully, US consumers are worse of in this field than those in e.g. Europe or Latin America, where the market is far more consumer friendly. What is most shocking of all, is the arrogance: "We're not going to tell you .... ". 

Moderator Emeritus

Hello GerardArlington

Your issue has been escalated to a Verizon agent. Before the agent can begin assisting you, they will need to collect further information from you.

Please go to your profile page for the forum, and look in the middle, right at the top where you will find an area titled "My Support Cases". You can reach your profile page by clicking on your name beside your post, or at the top left of this page underneath the title of the board.

Under “My Support Cases” you will find a link to the private board where you and the agent may exchange information. This should be checked on a frequent basis as the agent may be waiting for information from you before they can proceed with any actions.

To ensure you know when they have responded to you, at the top of your support case there is a drop down menu for support case options. Open that and choose "subscribe".

Please keep all correspondence regarding your issue in the private support portal.
