Returned Equipment , still being charged rental fees


I don't understand why I am still being charged rental fees, On 5/1/19 I physically went to a Verizon store and returned my fios router, I have the email receipt..I am still being charged the rental fee for the router.

On 5/11/19 I went back to the same store and also returned 8 cable boxes, I also have the receipt for that.. yet I am still being charged the rental fees..please help solve this issue ASAP!!

1 Reply

I would call verizon and explain you returned everything and have receipts, do not give them originals just copies if they ask for them.

contact your states Public Utilities Commission or Public Service Commission via a google search and first call to file a complaint then file an online complaint with uploads of those receipts in certain places you can fax the documents.

they will contact verizon and have executive escalations contact you to correct the problem. I have another way to get them to stop so if you get resistance private message me.