Shut off payment completed text messaging

I've turned off all text messaging communication but still receive text msg notices when I make a payment. How do I turn this off?

1 Reply

@Psy1ocke wrote:

I've turned off all text messaging communication but still receive text msg notices when I make a payment. How do I turn this off?

This is not as easy as you think. Alas you can call Verizon and tell them to stop bothering you, however they give a cock and bull excuse and it never really ceases. They tell you under account preferences you can stop these messages but there is no where to stop them. 

I have placed verizon on a block so nothing they send ever reaches my eyes.

i am also after 38 years ready to drop them completely over their lack of controls.

you can go to and file an online complaint which should make Verizon to stop bothering you.

good luck