Sudden Price Increase at a Rediculous rate
Enthusiast - Level 1

Had no idea this was coming from Verizon - I suddenly found out that my bill has just doubled from $79 to $160! I have been a long time customer and although I tried contacting the customer support (it takes more than 30 mins to get hold of a rep), I just did not get the support I was hoping to get. If I just try to find a bundle at the site, it offers me a better deal (it includes super charged internet - 50Mbps download) without any contract for $114. Tjis seems reasonable rate getting out of the contract and in to a no term rate.


Does Verizon really want people to leave and then come back at lower rate?

3 Replies
Specialist - Level 1

Have you compared your current bill to your previous bill. It is  very easy to see where the difference is. You probable have a discount that ended.

Low intro rates are the way of cable companies. A lot of the deals you see do not apply to current customers. 


Verizon has a habit of offering you reduced service or increased rates. Two years ago it was pay extra for sports channels or reduce you plan and give up some non-sports channels that are very popular. Now it's pay a monthly fee because they don't want to support older modems or pay for a new modem. You never hear them say that they value you as a long term customer so they are giving you some kind of perk. Seems that Verizon and Comcast thrive on churning customers. If I leave verizon for 30 days then sign up as a new customer, I can get the same package with a newer modem for half of what I'm paying now. Maybe the answer is to switch to comcast, take advantage of the 30 day guarantee and cancel then sign up with verizon as a new customer and reduce my rate.

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