Unable to pay final bill due to Verizon system error. Now credit score is off 120 points.

I recently cancelled my Verizon Fios and moved to a different state and after my account was deactivated I was notified that I had a final payment. I tried for over an hour to get into my deactivated account to pay the bill, however, I was not able to get onto my account and customer service was unable to assist me in paying the bill. I told customer service that when the error was fixed, they could contact me and I would pay the bill. I was contacted once more, but the error remained and I have not heard from anyone since.  
With that said, my bill has now been sent to collections and now I have had my credit score impacted by over 120 points for a bill that I attempted to pay.   Additionally, I have paid off the bill through the debt collections agency because for the first time, I was actually able to send a payment through.
If you could help me get this resolved, that would be very greatly appreciated. Please let me know if there is a correct place for this or a correct person to contact.

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3 Replies
Champion - Level 1

If the account went to collections, Verizon "wrote it off" and can't access it anymore because it's gone to another place.  If you paid the bill through the collection agency, at least the collection agency won't be bugging you anymore about it, but the credit ding is stuck on your report for 7 years.  I don't know of a surefire way to fix that, unfortunately.  Internet seaching on this is quite the minefield.  Seeking legal advice as Hepcat360 suggested may be your best bet.

I'm not a Verizon employee, just another customer trying to help.

@SynthpopAddict Appreciate the comments. I hope it doesn't come to that, but it does seem like an awful lot of people just never get these types of things resolved. Crossing my fingers here. So much hassle over a $93 bill, sigh. Not worth anyone's time.


Hah - This did give me a laugh. Thanks.


This is definitely a way, I'm just hoping to get this done without it having to turn into a big deal. It seems like such a simple thing to resolve, but just getting through the bureaucratic layers is going to probably be a nightmare. Fortunately, yes, I do have screenshots of all of the chatlogs in which I copy pasted all of the error messages I was receiving, so it's not a "he said, she said" scenario. I just would prefer to be done with this headache ...