Unauthorized & unwarranted withdrawal from bank account

I have been charged a fee of $66 and some change for several monthly cycles. At first I thought the money was going toward payments due. Then I thought that maybe they were separate payments going towards cell phones purchased for an upgrade. Having looked at both of my accounts (FIOS & Cellular), I now realize that the payments are not being reflected anywhere. Please tell me what happended to precipitate this issue, so I can avoid it in the future.

Please return my funds, or give me credit for the paynents toward either of my accounts. 


3 Replies

@donarms wrote:

I have been charged a fee of $66 and some change for several monthly cycles. At first I thought the money was going toward payments due. Then I thought that maybe they were separate payments going towards cell phones purchased for an upgrade. Having looked at both of my accounts (FIOS & Cellular), I now realize that the payments are not being reflected anywhere. Please tell me what happended to precipitate this issue, so I can avoid it in the future.

Please return my funds, or give me credit for the paynents toward either of my accounts. 


Well that states the payment was via the web.

however no one here can access your account. We are customers helping customers.

contact your bank and put in a dispute for the amounts.

by the way this forum has nothing to do with cellular.


is  the forum for cellular.


Thanks. I should have paid more attention. I looked the problem up and the first link I saw led me here. Others with similar issues were answered by someone who forwarded the problem to the appropriate customer service/help agent. I am not sure if this is a land line/Fios issue or if I need to speak with the wireless folks. I did not want to go through the bank because I do not wish them to stop all Verizon payments and cause me other issues.

Thanks again.


@donarms wrote:

Thanks. I should have paid more attention. I looked the problem up and the first link I saw led me here. Others with similar issues were answered by someone who forwarded the problem to the appropriate customer service/help agent. I am not sure if this is a land line/Fios issue or if I need to speak with the wireless folks. I did not want to go through the bank because I do not wish them to stop all Verizon payments and cause me other issues.

Thanks again.

What you have to remember giving Verizon or any company auto debit authority is a disaster waiting to happen as you found out. You may not want to suppose you would mess things up with Verizon but you can stop auto payment and then simply pay via the web or through the Verizon app on a one time payment each month.

I have used the web portal for a gazillion years and the payment is immediate and Verizon does not ding my account over and over. Itโ€™s to your benefit to dispute the amounts to get them back since your time frame from the bank is within 90 days of first seeing it on your statements. Donโ€™t just throw your money away.