Verizon Visa Autopay Malfunction
Enthusiast - Level 1

Hello! I have the Verizon Visa and I had it set to autopay the minimum payment on the 5th ever month. Well somehow my autopay got updated WITHOUT MY CONSENT to draft the STATEMENT BALANCE. I DID NOT CHANGE THIS OR CONSENT TO THIS!!! I spoke with a representative and they told me to call back in 7 days which is when they could POSSIBLY issue a refund for $1400!!!!! This is completely unacceptable. Who is going to pay my over draft fees??? I want a real answer. 

2 Replies
Customer Service Rep

Hey Kateran1, I know how disruptive it would be for me for a larger than expected payment came out with an automatic payment. I'm unsure about setting up automatic payments for a minimum payment, as the way automatic payment always worked is by taking payment for the total balance due on the account. If there is a billing dispute, or past due charges, autopay would need to be paused to not draft those total balances to settle a billing dispute or make a payment arrangement. 

If the automatic payment did not result in a credit balance left on the account, there would be no way to process a refund for that payment.

You can learn more about how autopay works here:


Master - Level 3

Yikes, that's scary.  I don't have this credit card, but maybe you should try calling the 800 number on the credit card (contact the financial institution), since it sounds like a glitch with the CC company and not Verizon?

I'm not a Verizon employee, just another customer trying to help.