Verizon claiming I owe them $99

Hi all,

I am a longtime Verizon customer. I had a residential FIOS account at my old address from November 2012-May 2016. In spring of 2016 I informed Verizon that I was moving to my new address and wanted to transfer service. Instead of transferring, they closed my account and set up a "new" account for the new address. 

I sent the Verizon equipment back to Verizon. 

The "new" account was never realized at the new address because Verizon could not get someone to come out to set up the service. I finally gave up trying to get them to come out (this was during the strike) and set up service with Comcast. Verizon kept sending me bills and finally to collections. After many phone calls with them I understood their case to be that the account had been set up because I had a "landline" with them. I explained that it was never used of course and that I didn't think they could bill me for this. They agreed and promised that the matter was closed and that I did not owe any money. 

Well I am still getting calls from collections and I see on my credit report that Verizon is claiming it is sent to collections. it does me no good now to pay Verizon since they have turned if over. I just got off the phone with an evil Verizon lady who claimed the $99 was actually because I "failed to return the equipment" which is a complete lie. 

Has anyone been able to get through to Verizon to get someone to review their account? I have since moved from the old address and it's been nearly two years, I'd need to spend some time tracking down receipts that show i returned the equipment.

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This issue has been escalated to a Verizon agent.