Verizon ruined my credit score by erroneously reporting a transfer of service as a deliquency

Enthusiast - Level 1

I'm hopeful that someone will help me.  I have been a Verizon customer for five years.  In December 2015 I called to transfer service to a new address.  I received a statement in January 2016 that stated, "this is not a bill do not pay".  I called Verizon and inquired about it.  They said that it was due to the transfer of service and the computer systems rectifying itself.  I found out today that in the beginning of October, Verizon reported this as a "delinquency" and it has dropped my credit score from the mid-800s to barely 700.  I never received a bill, I never received a call from ANYONE, and yet on my Experian credit report it states that I am in collections.  I just logged onto the Verizon account and it says that my balance is $0.  I am absolutely beside myself.  My credit score has plummeted because Verizon can't rectify a transfer of service?!!?!?

3 Replies
Moderator Emeritus

Hi arub4378,

Your issue has been escalated to a Verizon agent. Before the agent can begin assisting you, they will need to collect further information from you. Please go to your profile page for the forum and scroll down the page to an area titled "My Support Cases". You can reach your profile page by clicking on your name located above your post, or at the top right of this page.

Under "My Support Cases" you will find a link to the private board where you and the agent may exchange information. The title of your post is the link. This should be checked on a frequent basis, as the agent may be waiting for information from you before they can proceed with any actions. To ensure you know when they have responded to you, you may subscribe to the case. At the top right of your support case there is a gear icon which provides a drop down menu with support case options. Click that and choose "subscribe". Please keep all correspondence regarding your issue in the private support portal.

Enthusiast - Level 1

I am very sorry you went through this. In my situation I made an account with Verizon and a secret duplicate account was made at the same time it seems using all my credentials. So, on that other account, which I never received any notification therefore had no knowledge of its existence really, specifically regarding charges or bills, they charged me $104 for initial costs of making the account. Few months later my credit score went down by over 120 points. I called the credit bureaus and got my credit report and found out that Verizon had sent the amount to a collection agency, so I filed two disputes. Everyone just told me to wait, and I did.. however, my credit score dropped another 20 points. When I called Verizon, they would be extremely unhelpful and rude for the most part or just transfer me and put me on hold. Finally, after being hung up on twice, I was able to reach the recovery team, who only told me that the account was closed by Verizon and sent to the Convergent Outsourcing department and no longer their responsibility. After checking my credit score, not only did Verizon sent the amount that I am not responsible for and never received any bills or calls, warnings, notices, NOTHING, to collections, they CHARGED IT OFF!!!, which is far worse than collections and more difficult to get it removed. So basically, every time I call Verizon and get to talk to anyone after hours on hold, they only tell me it is a closed account and no longer their responsibility despite admitting it was a mistake from their end, an "accident" an "error" that happens all the time (referring to duplicate secret accounts using customer's information and SSN and secret charges behind their back with ZERO warnings). I am still their customer and have been paying my bills since day one ON TIME. I filed two other disputes with the bureaus, explaining the situation to my best knowledge and they said they cannot remove those derogatory remarks unless Verizon lets them know that those charges are invalid, or that its proven it is a fraud account. Clearly Verizon is not going to take any real responsibility to clean up the mess and damage they did to my life. I wanted to file a consumer report to file the account as fraud, so I contacted the fraud department of Verizon, and this guy got really defensive after hearing my story and connected me to their rude supervisor who told me it is not fraud because customer care made a mistake. She then left a note on that account that it is not fraud so every time I called back, they just read the note... I work full-time, and I still go to school and want to continue going to university. I need a loan for school but now I cannot even request a credit increase let alone get a loan for anything. I don't have a house and my car is an old 2011 almost 130k miles. I hardly have any savings due to the expensive rent. I worked too hard to pay off everything and keep my credit card usage under 2%, and Verizon totally ruined it all for me. People tell me you need to get a lawyer.. Also charge offs are far worst not only due to the impact but what it does it not only discharges Verizon of any ties to the account (which makes it harder to prove anything), but it also puts the account out there for-debt collectors to buy it, so I might be getting threatening calls anytime regarding paying them back. Even if I pay the $104 to them or the collection agencies there is no guarantee it will be removed from my credit report so why would I pay the perpetrators money for services I NEVER RECEIVED? I never once got any calls notice NOTHING regarding those charges that are for an account I NEVER USED or had access to, yet Verizon not only made things worst they increased my bill and didn't even compensate me in anyway.  Reading other people's post made me realize Verizon has this hostility towards many of their customers it seems.  I might give this a try: Disputing Errors on Your Credit Reports | Consumer Advice (

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