Verizon sent my account to collections for wrong billing! Help please

Hi there - 

I had a business verizon account(from my previous company), in last december. I wanted to port that number to t-mobile personal account as I was leaving the company. When I called up verizon customer service, the customer service agent told me that it is not possible to do that directly as we would need my business account pin(which won't be shared by the company as it is same for the entire company). She said, she will create a temporary personal account and then ported my business number to this personal account. And the same day, I ported this number to t-mobile. I asked her multiple times, if I would be charged anything for this temporary account. She said I won't be charge anything. Now they sent me a bill of 95$ and I tried reaching the customer service multiple times to understand why they charged me, but I wasn't able to reach the right department. 

Now they sent this to a collection agency and they also reported it to credit bureaus. Now my credit score dropped by more than 100 points. I am super **bleep** about this entire thing. Their customer service is one of the worst I have seen. I am not able to reach any person that can talk about the issue here. 

What can I do about this? Any help is greatly appreciated. 

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Moderator Emeritus

These forums are dedicated to Residential wireline products and services offered by Verizon.

If this concerns a Verizon Wireless Business account, please post your topic on the Verizon Wireless community.

Thank you.
