Very poor / non-existent customer loyalty

Been a verizon customer for 8 years straight. Every once in a while, I get a call from a competitor to switch, and I would usually check Verizon's current deals first. If I find a deal that I think is in line with the competition, and better than my current one, I would call them and get transferred to customer loyalty.

Apparently, no such department exists now. Because I called and a service person basically told me that if I wanted to get the deal that's on the site, I should be a new customer. And worse still is that if I wanted the same exact features my price was double what they were offering a new customer. No kidding!

I told her that "what you are telling me is, switch to the competitor and come back and we will treat you well. However, if you want to stay with us, tough luck on getting treated well for staying." She basically shrugged, agreed with my statement and said "I'm sorry, but the 'system' does not allow me to offer you that discount. Evn my supervisor is unable to change it."

So, that's a shame. It was not like that before. Any company that treats existing customers badly deserves to go out of business. The only reason these guys don't go out of business is because of the cartel nature of the how the collude with towns to limit our choices.

2 Replies

Its unfortunate that the constant game of churn must be used to get the lower prices.

even if you think about the costs after the service connection the base minimum is not even as low as they can go.

the profits are the drivers in the corporate world. Greed or any other name can be used to describe the constant price increases. In the years past it was blamed on union raises for their workers both salaries and benefits. But like other companies they have found that when it starts hitting the corporate profits you simply close customer service centers, hire off shore workers, and hit remaining customers with higher costs for almost everything.

cable and satellite companies do this as well. I personally believe these companies should have total regulation by the government. This would standardized the services and the prices. However if this is done my stocks in this company will take a huge hit.


My contract is up in 56 days.  For the same price all in, the other cable company will beat Fios with 400Mbps (100 with fios), the inclusion of netflix, starz and showtime.  In addition, I can go to their mobile division and get FREE phone service (with 100mb data - $12 per gb).  That alone for 2 lines saves me $75.  The kicker is that the competitive cellular phone is on the Verizon system!

I have been with Verizon for 8 years now, 15 on cellular.  i would pay a premium for Verizon/FIOS.  But this is way too much.  I chatted with a service rep and she was friendly, professional, succint.  But she couldn't do anything for me. 

Verizon, understand that I would pay a premium for FIOS/Cell.  But this is ridiculous.