Why did I get an "Service Disconnect Confirmation Email" email?

My bill is paid. I have not requested my service to be disconnected. So why did I receive the below email? I tried to call the number but after a good hour on hold had to give up. 

Service Disconnect Confirmation Email

Dear Valued Verizon Customer,
We have recently received a request from another party to connect service at your current location.
In order to maintain service(s) in your name at this location, please contact Verizon at {edited for privacy} within the next 30 days..
If we do not hear from you, we will assume you no longer need service(s) at this address. Therefore, your service(s) will be disconnected and a final bill sent. If you have moved and need service(s) at your new location, please contact us at {edited for privacy} 8:00 AM to 6:00 PM Monday through Fridayor 8:00 AM to 4:00 PM Saturday. You may also visit us at verizon.com to place your order.

Thanks again for choosing Verizon; we are looking forward to serving you.


Your Verizon Team
2 Replies
Moderator Emeritus

Please be aware that this is a forum where users help other users. It looks like your issue may require a Verizon representative with access to your account to review your account details. Please visit our Support page for a variety of ways to contact Verizon, including “Ask Verizon,” our virtual chat agent, and customer support phone numbers.  For billing issues, you should contact Verizon during normal business hours. Thanks!

Enthusiast - Level 3

As someone getting 5 or more such emails a day, here's what you do:

1. Check the complete email address to see where it really came from.

2. Forward the email to "abuse@verizon.net".

3. Google the number to see if it's a real Verizon help number. It's not.

If I had to call on each one of these, I spend 5 hours a day waitng on the phone. Many companies, including banks have email addresses you can report these, and usually starts with "abuse@...", and generally answer within an hour.

All such emails end with: Your Chase on line team, Your Verizon Team, Your AOL team. You get the idea.