Why has my Internet only bill gone up from $54.99 to $74.99?

I just received my bill from Verizon for my Internet ONLY contract for the 6/30 payment and my payment due is $74.99- not the expected $54.99 as previously.  I've received NO notice of any justification.  That's a 27% increase which you have not justified.  I have neither a Phone or TV service on my contract - only INTERNET.  My contract is for 150 mps and I'm not getting  - 52 down 64 up.  

I went to the billing/account web page and there's no explanation of the increase.

So what caused it?   If I don't hear from you for the reason why,  I will only pay the $54.99 not the $74.99.

4 Replies
Community Leader
Community Leader

Were you on a promotional price or have you reached a two year mark from when you initially subscribed? Sounds like you've reached the actual retail price of your given plan. You could try to call Verizon and negotiate a new contract if that's the case. But don't expect anything. The retail price should always be what you base your purchasing decision on.

Pay your full bill though... battles like that don't end up ending nicely without more frustration than it's worth.


Thanks for responding.  This package for 150/150 started a $45 dollars back in 2016, went to $55 in 2017, now gone to $75 as of 6/6/18.  This was a discounted package whose price was $135 (Imagine that rather high priced scenario for Internet Only of 150/150).  When I asked what are my options to improve this situation, Verizons response was 1Gps for $95 for the first year and then who knows what.   When you compare that to Comcast's offerings of 400mps at $80 for the first year and 1gps for $90, you have to ask youself is Verizon even competitive.  The obvious answer to that is NO!

There's even more to be considered.  There's a new world wide satilite service expected in 2 years - oneweb.worldnet - which is expected to offer 1gps at $7 @ month.   When this goes to IPO status in a year you may want to invest.   Hughs network & a number of other companies are working with oneweb to perfect this new satilite technology.  You may want to check it out.

With this expectation you would think that both Verizon & Comcast would be offering Internet packages now that are not so expensive especially when you recognize that in Japan the Internet there is 1gps at less than $20.


Well you have and can look at it another way.

originaly Comcast has no speeds above 100-300 tops for ages. Yet Verizon had those speeds and higher. Of course those speeds were very expensive $300, $500, $700 and as high as $1000.00 and you know the gigabyte was the highest price but not available everywhere. Cable even today cannot match it. Cable is not the same upload/download for the gigabyte service.

verizon is not going to worry about up and coming technologies since they are a gamble, are usually costly and not widely used. 

Internet speeds over in Japan or Europe aren’t going to sway Verizon to lower prices in markets they are not in. So we as consumers now must choose from what is available here today. By the way that gigabyte service that costs $1000.00 before can be had for as low as $69.99 for new customers. That is a bargain that no other service offers.

even at $112 which I pay (I am not a new customer) with no contracts. I never had a contract and until recently paid $99 so that is still a huge savings and bargain.

Enthusiast - Level 2

Been a Verizon Fios customer for almost two decades.

Have gone with their 1GB Internet and premium television package under a 2-year contract.

The contract came up for renewal this year and my rates went up over $70 per month WITH A NEW CONTRACT.

In order to keep my 1GB internet, I had to go with a minimal channel package, pay $200 for my router (to avoid long-term rental fees) and go to paperless billing just to bring the bill down.  I am still paying $30 more a month than I previously was.

I wrote a scathing letter to Verizon CEOs.  Got a phone call from their executive team saying there was nothing they could do about the price increases.  

Horrible!  No wonder people are leaving cable for streaming.