bad info #

A few minutes ago I called Fios asking for information regarding getting a bundled rate for new wireless service added to my existing Fios service. The Fios rep I talked to gave me a number to get that information.  The line was answered  as Assist 123 and the person on end of phone tried very hard to get to me accept some sort of free gift certificate and would not pass me along to requested fios info source until I answered his question.

I did not and hung up.  Why was Verizon sending me to that type of info source????

6 Replies
Contributor - Level 1

We have no known affiliation with Assist 123 but your report had me curious. I did a search and found a host of complaints from people all over who called or thought they had called their bank, travel agent, service provider, etc. From the accounts I read about it always surrounded a mis-dialed or mis-given number although some reported a call interception, but knowing how call routing works unless they are utilizing some technique I don't know about, it's more than likely all due to the prior reasons. Whether it was written down wrong or given wrong I'm sorry you had to experience that. You have probably already researched it but just in case you are interested the link below has the search results I found.


Verizon Support

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Just had an agent give me two bad numbers. I told him the first one was bogus and his response when proving the fake number listed in the original post was "this is not a number you can google". When i googled it, it sent me here. No rerouting. I hard dialed the number he described as "an internal number".


I just got off the line with a rep from wireless side. He gave me 18008374966 which i googled while on the phone and it's a scam. When i told him that he said "hm... okay. hold on." I held on. He then gives me another number and tells me, "you cannot google this one because it is an internal number so you cannot google it." Well, when i googled it, it gave me this thread.  He never transferred me. When i was tired of being lied to (i've worked for ATT, i know when phone reps are lying) i thanked him for his time anway, and told him it was a bogus number. After calling the number it was a bad number like OP said in their post. There was no call interception, no rerouting issue. I called that number directly. You can't tell me it was a technical issue when I called the guy out on several attempts to deflect me.


You are referring to a very old post.

1-800-VERIZON  (1-800-837-4966) is the number to call for home services like fios and telephone and tv.

1-800-922-0204 is the wireless service number.

Master - Level 1

OP wrote: " ... I called Fios asking for information regarding getting a bundled rate for new wireless service added to my existing Fios service ... ".

If you are referring to One-Bill and a $10 monthly credit for combining a wireless account with a FiOS Triple Play account, you can avoid complexity by simply doing this on your own online.  There is no need to go through Verizon Customer Service.  OTOH if you are not referring to this One-Bill discount for combined billing, then please advise which "bundle discount" you are looking for because I can use it and would be delighted to hear about it myself.  Thanks.

Moderator Emeritus

As this thread is now over two years old, it will be locked in order to keep discussions current. If you have the same or a similar question/issue we invite you to start a new thread on the topic.
