bundle discount they promised isn't happening

Dear Verizon and Friends on the Forum,

This summer, the door-to-door Verizon (contractor) rep completed, and I signed, a sales agreement offering 30 dollar bundle credit for 24 months on FiOS Internet + FDV. To ensure there was no ambiguity, he wrote on the agreement what my bill would be for each of the next 24 months: from month 4 to 24 it was to be $86.11.

Ten days later I called the rep about other aspects of the agreement, and, during that (lengthy) conversation, he did not alter, change or otherwise renege on the $30, 24-month credit.

However, my bills soon arrived showing that the credit reduces to $20 after just 12 months.

I called the door-to-door rep again and he says it was a mistake for him to have offered me the 24-month credit of $30. He says he is unable to do anything about.

Obviously, I expect the sales agreement to be honored; what we have is a "bait and switch." Any suggestions on how I get this resolved quickly and amicably? Or where I might send the signed, scanned copy of the sales agreement for further action?

Thanks in advance for any insight you might provide.

1 Solution
Community Leader
Community Leader

Try calling the retentions department (the one you get when you select "cancel" on the phone tree.)   They might be able to help.

There are other options as well, but Verizon doesn't like them discussed in these forums.

Good Luck.

View solution in original post

6 Replies
Moderator Emeritus

Hi DCnative,

Just a friendly reminder, this is a forum where users help other users. It looks like your issue may require a Verizon representative to review your account details. Please visit our Support page for a variety of ways to contact Verizon, including “Ask Verizon,” our virtual chat agent, and customer support phone numbers.


Well, I would merely observe that in response to several posts similar to mine, "LawrenceC" has replied with an offer of help and directed the OP to a secure message area with a Verizon rep. Not three weeks ago LawrenceC posted the below response to an identical situation.  So why is my post earning a rebuke? Any assistance you can provide in resolving this unfortunate "bait and switch" sales maneuver would be greatly appreciated.


Moderator Emeritus

There is set criteria for escalations and your issue does not qualify.  Please contact Verizon billing and discuss your situation with them.


First I am told all such requests go to Verizon, now you admit to having a set of crietria. I contacted Verizon by phone over the summer and followed-up. If the door-to-door salesman's bait and switch (which he gave me in writing--like to see it?) do not meet your criteria for escalation then I question your idea of fairness. Over to you for more spin.

Moderator Emeritus

Your issue has been escalated to a Verizon agent. Before the agent can begin assisting you, they will need to collect further information from you.Please go to your profile page for the forum, and look in the middle, right at the top where you will find an area titled "My Support Cases". You can reach your profile page by clicking on your name beside your post, or at the top left of this page underneath the title of the board.
Under “My Support Cases” you will find a link to the private board where you and the agent may exchange information. This should be checked on a frequent basis as the agent may be waiting for information from you before they can proceed with any actions. To ensure you know when they have responded to you, at the top of your support case there is a drop down menu for support case options. Open that and choose "subscribe".
Please keep all correspondence regarding your issue in the private support portal.

Community Leader
Community Leader

Try calling the retentions department (the one you get when you select "cancel" on the phone tree.)   They might be able to help.

There are other options as well, but Verizon doesn't like them discussed in these forums.

Good Luck.
