
i have been a customer of verizon for over a year now, with never being late or missing a single payment. I received a bill recently that showed my previous bills were all at the stated rate of $144 for the triple bundle, which the representative who came to my house assured me in front of my family and on my own personal video/audio tape that i have inside my house recording the day i signed up. After this representative made specific claims that if i switch from optimum to verizon that i will be locked in at a rate for 2 years at $144 per month and that i could cancel at any time and the rate will not increase till the 2 years are up. The agent misrepresented the contract when he explained it and after calling verizon and speaking to "mrs smith" in the escalation department, i was informed i did indeed have a 2 year locked in raate, HOWEVER, that the rate only applied to pieces of the bill and not the entire bill.  My bill was raised to $250 a month, increasing by over 100 dollars, and when asked for the breakdown, Mrs smith informed me that there was a 50 increase for the movie channels nd a 10 increase for a different discount. So after explaining to Mrs smith that 60 is not 100 dollars, she rudely spoke down to me, told me i "spoke too fast' aand needed to end the conversation". I explained to her i may speak fast normally but was not rude nor used offensive language during any part of the conversation and she continued to speak down to me and told me she doesnt care if i want to continue service and would prefer it if i cancelled my contract instead of speaking to a different representative. Mrs smith informed me that "shes the highest supervisor there, and i cannot speak to anyone else and then gave me a "PO box in trenton NJ to write out a complaint because they do not take complaints by phone". I canceled my account aand asked mrs smith for her first name, and she told me again very rudely and nastily that "she only has to share with me her first or last name if i ask, but doesnt need to provide both". i explained to mrs smith to review the tapes and i did at no time ask her name, she voluntarily gave me her last name when she introduced herself, NOT because i asked. I also inquired about the badge number or the name of the kid who came inside my home and identified himself as a verizon rep, aand her response was shocking. She told me that THEY DONT KEEP RECORDS OF WHO SIGNS YOU UP OR WHO COMES INTO YOUR HOUSE! How do you send representatives into peoples homes and not know who your sending and where (god forbid if one of them commits a crime inside your house or makes false claims and misrepresentations while inside your home) . So i after spending 5 minutes asking her just her first name, she concluded the conversation with "excuse me sir but i dont have to talk to you anymore, so im hanging up now, and did. I called back again,  and with no hold time immediately spoke to another Verizon representative to simply make sure my complaint went through and that my account was cancelled. The verizon representative kept my on the phone for 1 hour and 15 minutes, because she claimed she couldnt cancel the account or put the complaint in without speaking to a supervisor. So after being rudely and harshly spoken to, i get another representative that kept me on hold for an obscene amount of time, simply to cancel my account and just make sure the complaint against Mrs smith went through. Im shocked and disgusted by not only the "hidden parts of the contract that expire at different times" but the nasty attitude of Mrs smith and fact that verizon kept me on hold with a rep for that crazy amount of time and the fact for security reasons they do not even keep any records of who comes into peoples homes is unbelievable. I also explained to all three "supervisors" that i use auto pay so this is the first time checking to see my account because after months and months i was always charged the same amount , so this is the first time catching this. I realize that there are thousands of complaints a year and verizon doesnt care much for individual customers. But even if u lose one paying customer, that complains and others see the complaint, there are plenty of other customers out there that will second guess their contracts and verizons customer service as i have. Especially with the audio/video proof one customer can produce.

1 Reply

Nickr, my parents are elderly and suffer medical ailments.  Their phone service was cut off because they did not switch to fios.  Verizon, did not at least leave the 911 ability!  We refused fios because it was going to cost more money at the long run, and they live on a fixed income.  So far, all my family members have decided to go to optimum services.   If that doesn't work out, cell phones will be used for internet and voice calls.  Boost mobile so far only costs them $40.00 per month, they purchased an indoor tv antenna and they get many channels for free!  Hope you find better, cheaper services, verizon doesn't care about the ill elderly customers, only money!!