expired international plan
Enthusiast - Level 1

For the month of March 2023, I was traveling internationally.  As a result, I called customer service and added  the international plan to my plan for the dates that I was oversees with the help of a customer service agent.  The plan expired on 4/6/2023. The MyVerizon app even indicates this saying "This plan will expire on 04/06/2023".  However, I have continued to be charged $100 every month since adding the international plan to my account for that 1 month period. As a result, I have to monitor my bill every month and, when I see that my bill is close to $200, indicating to me that I am still being charged for an expired international plan because my normal bill is around $90, I have to call customer service, explain what is going on to the customer service agent (which can be painful at times), be placed on holds for a 1/2 hour or more, and waste an hour or more of time trying to get this fixed. Since this has been going on for 5 months, that is 5+ hours of my time dealing with an issue that Verizon created and decided to curse me with. Each month, the customer service agent tells me that they have submitted a ticket to get this issue resolved and they also tell me that is the extent of what they are capable to do to get this issue resolved. They say that is their only method they have for addressing technical issues, there is no one else that they can call for assistance or put me in touch with. And each month, the cycle repeats again and again. I have even been to my local Verizon store for assistance with this issues and they indicated that they cannot assist with billing issues and direct me back to customer service. In July, the store manager did try replacing my SIM card thinking that might stop the cycle, which I appreciated as it seemed to be more of an effort to resolve this issue than I am  getting from customer service but, that also did not fix the issue. I am BEYOND frustrated!!! What am I supposed to do, endure this every month until I can change service providers? I can tell you what I'm not going to do is to let Verizon keep making their issue my problem by making me continue deal with this each month. I am a long time customer, someone at Verizon take an interest and get this issue resolved....that is the least you can do!!! 

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6 Replies
Customer Service Rep

Oh, wow! You have certainly been through a lot. Five months and 5+ hours of interaction with no success can certainly be frustrating. We sent you a Private Message regarding your international plan dilemma. Feel free to review at your best convenience.




I am having the same problem. My son went out of country for two months. When he got back we cancelled his intl plan. The next month the $100 charge was there. We called  and  Verizon support said the plan was stopped and we would be credited.  The next month another international charge appeared and there was no credit for the previous month. We called again and were promised the same fix. Yet the follow month we see the same. No credits and another $100. charge. So we call a 4 th time. This time the agent seems super confident and reassures us. How could they mess up 4 times right? A month later I get my bill. Not only do we have one $100 charge for intl calling and no credits from previous months   but now we have second  $100 charge. Yes , that is  right, we now have two intl calling plans on one phone line and $200 worth of additional charges and no credit for previous months.  This is no longer just a mistake but fraudulence. Has anyone filed a complaint with the FCC consumercomplaints.fcc.gov or their  credit card company and got resolution? Is the only way to stop this craziness or is  switching all 5 of our phones to a new carrier the only way? 

Customer Service Rep

Oh, no! We are surprised to read about your recent international service experience. The last thing we want is for you to have a negative impression of Verizon or to even consider switching your lines. We want to offer the support you deserve.


Have you attempted to remove the international plan/feature yourself through your My Verizon account? Feel free to use this link as guidance: https://www.verizon.com/support/knowledge-base-206367/.


Let us know how it goes.


Enthusiast - Level 1

This is pretty much my exact situation. With my daughter studying abroad for a month it seemed like a good idea to just get the $100 plan and not worry about it.  It was for a trip in Aug 23'.  I paid the first increased bill in the Sep15 - Oct14, 2023 cycle and did not think the bill would be recurring but it is probably my miss read in the terms. I then cancelled the plan manually through my Verizon account. I know changes to plans aren't reflected until the next bill so I paid another $100 in the Oct15 - Nov 14, 2023 billing cycle and let it go. There again was no change to the international plan or the additional $100 to my projected Nov 15 - Dec 14, 2023 (3rd billing cycle) so I called for the first time (Dec 03 2023).

The agent was polite enough and informed me that they could not credit the $100 since the bill cycle had started but will remove the "perk" and the change should be reflected on future bills but said if it still appears on the next bill to call back for a refund and refer to the Dec 23' conversation. Well, Dec15 - Jan14, 2024 (4th billing cycle) auto payment text notification shows up with the International Plan and $100 fee still in place so I call a second time (Jan 02 2024) remembering the agent said I may have to.  After an hour on the phone most of which I was on hold I was told that the Plan had been removed and I could expect to see a $200 reduction on the next bill, meaning a credit for the $100 I will pay for the this billing cycle and a $100 reduction from the plan being removed. Skeptical at this point I took notes and got a conversation # to reference. My Feb 24' (5th billing cycle) auto payment text notification showed the International Plan had been removed but still carried the $100 fee and no change to my overall bill. I called a 3rd time on Jan 17 2024 and repeated the process again and was told the same thing. I asked for my phone call to be escalated and was put on hold for about 10 min then offered a $50 credit. The phone call goes on but ultimately, I'm not confident what my next bill will show.

After manually cancelling the plan in the October 23’ 1 billing cycle and making 3 phone calls concerning no corrections to the next 3 billing cycles. That’s 4 attempts over 4 billing cycles and my 5th billing cycle (not yet paid) showed the $100 charge. I've now paid $400 (and counting) into an international plan that was supposed to end in Sept 23'. Never again for me. It'll be easier and cheaper to buy a pre-pay phone when you get there.



It sounds like Verizon is making a lot of money off of the international plan that nobody can figure out how to cancel! Hmmmmm…wonder if that will end up in court? I, too, have had two months of charges when I called last month to tell them I couldn’t find anything online that said my plan was continuing. They told me I’d get a $200 credit, yet I got reamed again this month for $444 and next months bill says it’ll be $664?!? And then the $200 credit shows up and I still have to pay $90 when my normal bill is 224?!?  Unbelievable. Time to cancel and find another provider. It shouldn’t be this difficult for anyone. 

Customer Service Rep

Renee16q We're sorry to read about the issue with your billing for international service. Are you still seeing it on your bill? When did you reach out to have it removed? ~Peter