BlackBerry Stomr OS 5.0 upgrade and BlackBerry Messenger 5.0

Hi Everyone,


I upgraded my BlackBerry Storm to OS 5.0 today, and after the upgrade was complete, I noticed that BlackBerry Messenger 5.0 (BBM) was gone.  So, I went to find AppWorld to re-install it., and it too was gone.  I found an icon named BlackBerry Messenger (Archived) in my downloads folder.  I clicked it,and it asked me if I wanted to restore it, and I said yes.  After the message "installation succesfull", I went to look for the icon.  It is nowhere to be found, I even checked for hidden icons, and found nothing.  So, I went to Application Downloader, and re-installed AppWorld.  I then re-installed BBM, and as before it didn't show up.  So, I did a battery pull, and the icon again showed up as Archived under Downloads.  So, I tried to restore it again, and got the same behaviour.  BBM will not install on the new OS.  Does anyone know how to fix this issue, or is the only fix to revert back to 4.7?  Thanks!


Rich S.

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