Blackberry Bold 9650 versus the Tour Bluetooth Volume


I had the Tour and the trackball broke.

It was replaced with a Bold 9650.


I was using a Blueant speakerphone.

Volume was loud with the Tour.

I would say its barely adequate with the Bold.

When OS 6 came out, I installed it after about a month.

It  caused a problem with a work program and I downgraded it. (Yes the volume on Bluetooth was awful with OS 5 and 6 I downgraded the software 05-06-11)

It's now Platform Version: and Application Version:

If I pair any bluetooth device to it, the volume sucks.

If I then pair the same device to any other bluetooth phone a friend has that is not my Bold, it works good, the way it did with the Tour I had.

Enhanced Audio does doodly squat.

Bass Boost, Treble Boost is the same expectation "let down".

Changing the Media Options for louder volume does not do anything for my bluetooth call volume.


I don't understand why any other bluetooth phone or my previous Tour had/have such a louder sound than this Bold.



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